Regular Meeting - May 17, 2011
- 1. Applications for Citizen Member Appointments to the East Kildonan-Transcona Library Advisory Committee
- 2. Per Capita Grant - Good Neighbours Active Living Centre - Beautify Elmwood Committee
- 3. Per Capita Grant - Mellanie Skrabek - Noble Avenue Block Party (east block)
- 4. Per Capita Grant - Jo-Anne Scott - Noble Avenue Block Party (west block)
- 5. Per Capita Grant - Concordia Foundation
- 6. Per Capita Grant - Transcona Historical Museum
- 7. Per Capita Grant - McLeod Nursery School
- 8. Per Capita Grant - River East Collegiate
- 9. Community Incentive Grant - Hampstead Parents Association
- 10. Community Incentive Grant - East Winnipeg Sports Association
- 11. Community Incentive Grant - Transcona Trails Inc.
- 12. Rehabilitation of Molson Street
- 13. Plan Approval - 1570 Regent Avenue (Crossroads Station) - Wal-Mart Expansion
- 14. Community Incentive Grant - Transcona Business Improvement Zone - 2011 Transcona BIZ Mural Program
- 15. Community Incentive Grant - Transcona Business Improvement Zone - 2011 Revitalization and Transcona Centennial Square
- 16. Local Improvements - Wastewater Sewer and Watermain - Grassie Boulevard
- 1. Excess Animal Permit - 854 McCalman Avenue - PA 243/2011
- 2. Closing - Part of Raleigh Street between Donwood Drive and Gilmore Avenue and part of Gateway Road between Jim Smith and Sun Valley Drives - DAC 7/2011
- 3. Closing - Part of Springfield Road, west of Pointe du Bois Transmission Line Right of Way Plan No. 2794 - DAC 8/2011
- 4. Closing - Part of Molson Street between Springfield Road and Red Oak Drive - DAC 9/2011
- 5. Closing - Part of Douglas Avenue between Pentland and Raleigh Streets - DAC 10/2011
- 6. Subdivision and Rezoning - west of 1424 Regent Avenue West - DASZ 31/2010 [c/r DAV 110636/2011D]
- 7. Variance - west of 1424 Regent Avenue West - DAV 110636/2011D [c/r DASZ 31/2010]