Regular Meeting - November 1, 2011
- 227. 2012 Schedule of Meetings - City Centre Community Committee
- 228. Occasional Liquor Permit - German-Canadian Congress (MB) Inc.
- 229. Per Capita Grants - Valour U16 Boys Soccer Team
- 230. Per Capita Grant - Fort Garry Women's Resource Centre
- 231. Plan Approval - 1682 Grant Avenue
- 232. Plan Approval - 481 River Avenue
- 233. Plan Approval - 725 Kingsway (Centennial Park Phase III)
- 234. Excess Animal Permit - 481 Rosedale Avenue - PA 258/2011
- 235. Rezoning - 1580 Taylor Avenue - DAZ 219/2011
- 236. Rezoning - 700 Renfrew Street - DAZ 221/2011
- 237. Variance - 700 Renfrew Street - DAV 160194/2011D
- 238. Closing - part of the public lane south of Clarence Avenue, west of Pembina Highway for incorporation into DASZ 31/2011 - DAC 2/2011
- 239. Subdivision and/or Rezoning - 1463 - 1465 Pembina Highway and 1012 Clarence Avenue - DASZ /31/2011
- 240. Rezoning - 761 North Drive - DAZ 218/ 2011
- 241. Conditional Use - 761 North Drive - DCU 156197/2011D