Regular Meeting - November 9, 2011
- 2. CentreVenture Development Corporation - 2011-2013 Business Plan
- 3. `PEG' Community Indicators System - Three-Year Grant - 2011 to 2013
- 4. Professional Services/Consultant Services Assignments for January 1 to June 30, 2011
- 5. By- Law to Establish the Zone d'am?lioration commerciale Saint-Norbert Business Improvement Zone
- 6. Name Change - Mosaic Market to North End Business Improvement Zone
- 7. Memorandum of Understanding - Strategic Economic Development Incentive - Expansion of Maple Leaf Foods Inc. operation at 870 Lagimodiere Boulevard
Standing Policy Committee on Protection and Community Services - October 24, 2011
- No Report
- Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development, Heritage and Riverbank Management - October 31, 2011
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development - November 1, 2011
- 9. 1. Green Building Policy for Existing City-owned and leased Buildings
- 10. 2. Closing - Fernbank Avenue - Southwest Corner of Main Street - DAC 16/2011
- 11. 3. Subdivision and Rezoning - Fernbank Avenue - Southwest corner of Main Street - DASZ 30/2011
- 12. 4. Rezoning - 1427 Selkirk Avenue - DAZ 206/2011
- 13. 5. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 1030 Keewatin Street - ZAA 10/2011
- 14. 6. Text Amendment - Academy Road Neighbourhood Main Street Planned Development Overlay-1 - DAZ 208/2010
- 15. 7. Subdivision and Rezoning - 740 John Bruce Road East - DASZ 29/2011
- 16. 8. Subdivision and Rezoning- 405 Hamel Avenue - DASZ 26/2011
- 17. 9. Street Name Change - East leg of Shady Shores Drive West to Sea Side Drive
- 18. 10. Declaration of Surplus Land - 2080 Ness Avenue (Silver Heights Community Club)
- 19. 11. Declaration of Surplus Land - Property adjacent to 98 Forest Cove Drive
- 20. 12. Declaration of Surplus Land - Property adjoining 82 Salme Drive
- 21. 13. Declaration of Surplus Land - Pointe Hebert North St. Boniface
- 22. 14. Public Works East Yard Complex - Award of Contract and Funding Strategy
- Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works - November 1, 2011
Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works - November 4, 2011
- 25. 1. Amendment to the Sewer By-law No. 92/2010 to update Schedules A, B, and E
- 26. 2. 2012 Transit Fares
- 27. 3. Transit Service Changes for Implementation Upon the Opening of Southwest Transitway
- 28. 4. Government of Manitoba - City of Winnipeg Transit Funding Agreement
- 29. 5. First Call Expenditure on the 2012 Capital Budget - Preliminary Engineering and Property Acquisition for the Plessis Road Twinning and Grade Separation at CN Rail Reddit Line
Standing Policy Committee on Protection and Community Services - October 24, 2011