Regular Meeting - May 16, 2012
- 1. Subdivision and Rezoning - Subdivision and Rezoning - Southeast Corner of Des Hiverants Boulevard and Edward Turner Drive - DASZ 5/2012
- 2. Rezoning - 2 - 54 Shady Shores Drive West - DAZ 203/2012
- 3. Subdivision and Rezoning - Shady Shores Drive East (Lots 1, 2 & 3) - DASZ 3/2012
- 4. Citizen Equity Committee Progress Report on Activities of the Winnipeg Coalition of Municipalities Against Racism and Discrimination (CMARD Winnipeg) Program
Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development, Heritage and Riverbank Management - May 7, 2012
- No Report
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development - May 8, 2012
- 1. Closing - Part of the Public Lane South of McCalman Avenue, East of Chester Street for Incorporation to DASZ 47/2011 - DAC 21/2011
- 2. Subdivision and Rezoning - 15 Chester Street - DASZ 47/2011
- 3. Subdivision and Rezoning - Southwest Corner of McGillivray Boulevard and Dunkley Street - DASZ 2/2012
- 4. Rezoning - 184 Sherbrook Street - DAZ 204/2012
- 5. Review of Existing Secondary Suite Zoning Regulations
- 6. Declaration of Surplus Land Adjacent to 453 Marion Street
- 7. Declaration of Surplus Land - South of Beecher Avenue and East of Ferrier Street
- 8. Declaration of Surplus Land - Property between 724 and 730 Victoria Avenue West
- 9. Encroachment Agreement - 341 Wilton Street - The Army Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada - Rockwood Unit # 303
Standing Policy Committee on Finance - May 10, 2012
- Meeting Cancelled - No Report
- Governance Committee of Council - April 12, 2012
- Governance Committee of Council - May 10, 2012
Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development, Heritage and Riverbank Management - May 7, 2012