Regular Meeting - September 19, 2012
- Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development, Heritage and Riverbank Management - September 10, 2012
- Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works - September 11, 2012
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development - September 11, 2012
- 1. Subdivision and Rezoning - 55 Ridgecrest Avenue between Main Street and Red River Boulevard - DASZ 13/2012
- 2. Rezoning - North of Templeton between Ritchie Street and Pipeline Road - DAZ 219/2012
- 3. Rezoning - 589 Jessie Avenue - DAZ 213/2012
- 4. Rezoning - 443 Spence Street - DAZ 215/2012
- 5. Rezoning - 1425 Molson Street - DAZ 217/2012
- 6. Rezoning - 630 Kernaghan Avenue - DAZ 218/2012
- 7. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 15-55 Rothwell Road - ZAA 4/2012
- 8. Extension of Time - Rezoning of Land Located at 851-867 Panet Road - DAZ 221/2010
- 9. Declaration of Surplus Land - Property between 488 and 506 Ferry Road and between 506 and 530 Ferry Road - Park Land
- 10. Lease Agreement - Portion of 2370 Burrows Avenue - Garden Grove Child Care Program Inc. - Park Land
- 11. Encroachment Agreement - Sterling Lyon Parkway, west of Kenaston Boulevard
- 12. Local Area Planning Initiatives for 2012-2013
- 13. Declaration of Surplus Land - Property located on the Northwest corner of Bison Drive and the CNR Letellier Line
- 14. Subdivision and Rezoning - 3977 Portage Avenue - DASZ 43/2011
- 15. Subdivision and Rezoning - 431 Haney Street - DASZ 14/2012
Standing Policy Committee on Finance - September 13, 2012
- No Report
- Governance Committee of Council - September 13, 2012