Regular Meeting - October 17, 2012
- 411. Councillor Gerbasi, Fort Rouge-East Fort Garry Ward (See Minute 424)
- 412. Councillor Gerbasi, Fort Rouge-East Fort Garry Ward (See Minute 415)
- 413. Subdivision and Rezoning - Proposed Lot 26 of DASSF 501/2012, West of Plessis Road, North of Camiel Sys Street - DASZ 18/2012
- 414. Preferential Parking for Veterans
- 415. Jubilee Rapid Transit Station
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development - October 9, 2012
- 416. 1. Subdivision and Rezoning - 750 Rosseau Avenue West and property located to the west - DASZ 16/2012
- 417. 2. Subdivision and Rezoning - 956 and 958 McMillan Avenue - DASZ 19/2012
- 418. 3. Zoning Agreement Amendment - Unit 214-2989 Pembina Highway - ZAA 6/2012
- 419. 4. Subdivision and Rezoning - 703 St. Anne's Road - DASZ 10/2012
- 420. 5. Closing - Part of the Government Road allowance between Sioux Road West and Southside Drive - DAC 4/2012
- 421. 6. Rezoning - Bounded by Scammel Road/Tilstone Bay/north of Frobisher Road (Perimeter Highway) - DAZ 228/2012
- 422. 7. Secondary Plan Amendment - North Henderson Highway Secondary Plan (By-law 1300/76) - First Reading - SPA 3/2012
- 423. 8. Establishment of Sturgeon Heights Community Centre Outdoor Hockey Rinks Capital Project Budget
- 424. 9. Corydon Osborne Neighbourhood Plan
Standing Policy Committee on Finance - October 11, 2012
- No Report
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development - October 9, 2012
- IN CAMERA Minute 425