Regular Meeting - December 11, 2012
- 5. Appointment to the Governance Committee of Council
- 6. Applications for Citizen Member Appointments to the East Kildonan-Transcona Library Advisory Committee
- 7. Per Capita Grant - Snow Trek - River East Neighbourhood Network
- 8. Per Capita Grant - Transcona Trails
- 9. Per Capita Grant - Winnipeg Humane Society - Paws for the Season
- 10. East Kildonan-Transcona Community Reserve Street Name List - 'Dr. David Marsh'
- 11. Twinning of Dugald Road
- 12. Land Dedication Reserve - Transcona Nationals Football Club Terminator Field Irrigation Project
- 13. Plan Approval - 60/70 Whellams Lane
- 14. Plan Approval - 306 Bowman Avenue
- 15. Plan Approval - 1320 Concordia Avenue East
- 16. Plan Approval - 1615 Regent Avenue West
- 17. Extension of Time - Subdivision and Rezoning - 90 Lexington Park DASZ 21/2010
- 18. Per Capita Grant - Gateway Recreation Centre Inc.
- 19. Traffic Study - McIvor Avenue and Raleigh Street
- 20. Per Capita Grant - Lord Selkirk Parent Council
- 21. Per Capita Grant - Riverwood Church Community
- 22. Per Capita Grant - Legion Gardens Social Club
- 23. Per Capita Grant - Elmwood East Kildonan Active Living Centre
- 24. Per Capita Grant - Columbus House
- 25. Per Capita Grant - Eaglemere Residents
- 26. Per Capita Grant - Elmwood Community Resource Centre
- 27. Per Capita Grant - River East Preschool Centre
- 28. Community Incentive Grant - Transcona BIZ
- 29. Excess Animal Permit - 110 Eaton Street - PA 283/2012
- 30. Excess Animal Permit - 72 Noble Avenue - PA 284/2012
- 31. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 90 Mitchelson Way - ZAA 8/2012
- 32. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 433 & 437 Grassie Boulevard - ZAA 9/2012
- 33. Secondary Plan Amendment - 2090 Henderson Highway - SPA 3/2012
- 34. Rezoning - 2090 Henderson Highway - DAZ 234/2012
- 35. Demolition - 2090 Henderson Highway - DEMO 167016/2012