Regular Meeting - February 22, 2013
- 1. Transfer of Funding to the Fort Garry Library Refurbishment Capital Project
- 2. Update on Service Sharing with the Rural Municipality of Springfield
- 3. Downtown Taxi Strategy
- 4. Tow Truck Removal of Stalled Vehicles during Rush Hour
- 5. Rezoning - 956 Notre Dame Avenue - DAZ 240/2012
- 6. Rezoning - 258 Burnell Street - DAZ 232/2012
- 7. Opening of Scotia Street south of Ridgecrest Avenue - DAO 7A/2012 and DAO 7B/2012
- 8. City of Winnipeg Museums Board - Contract Renewal for Museum Coordinator
- 9. Citizen Equity Committee - Contract Renewal for Committee Coordinator
- 10. Mayor's Age Friendly and Seniors Advisory Committee - Fourth Report 2011-2012 Recommendations
- 11. Amendment to the Economic Development Initiative for the Re-Development of the Existing Stadium Site and the New Stadium Development at the University of Manitoba
Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development, Heritage and Riverbank Management - February 4, 2013
- Meeting Cancelled - No Report
- ADDENDUM - Standing Policy Committee on Protection and Community Services - February 19, 2013
ADDENDUM - Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development - February 19, 2013
- 1. Development Procedures By-law Amendment - Secondary Suites
- 2. Proposed lane corner Opening at the rear of 131 Bedson Street - DAO 5/2012
- 3. Opening and Closing - DAOC 2/2012
- 4. Closing - Part of Templeton Avenue (Government Road Allowance) between Alton Way and Ritchie Street - DAC 1/2013
- 5. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 433 & 437 Grassie Boulevard - ZAA 9/2012
- 6. Rezoning - 25 Fermor Avenue - DAZ 239/2012
- 7. Subdivision and Rezoning - 453 Marion Street - DASZ 31/2012
- 8. Subdivision and Rezoning - 582 Jessie Avenue - DASZ 35/2012
- 9. Subdivision and Rezoning - North and South Side of Templeton Avenue and east of Ritchie Street - DASZ 38/2012
- 10. Rezoning - Southeast Corner of Salter Street at Semple Avenue - DAZ 241/2012
- 11. Extension of Time - Proposed Rezoning of Land Located on Part of Former Railway Line North of Kingsway South Academy - DAZ 226/2010
- 12. Encroachment Agreement - 1585 Henderson Highway
- 13. Declaration of Surplus Land - 405 Allard Avenue
- 14. Declaration of Surplus Land - 409 Mulvey Avenue East
- 15. Digital Sign and Billboard Fees
- 16. City Owned Buildings Report
- 17. Allocation of net Proceeds of Sale from Glenlee Community Club - 176 Worthington Avenue
- 18. Permanent Easement located on Public Reserve adjacent to 110 Creek Bend Road in favour of Creek Bend Project Inc. or nominee
- 19. Intergovernmental Funding Agreement Between Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) and the City of Winnipeg
- 20. Secondary Plan - Waverley West Southwest Neighbourhood - First Reading - SP 3/2012
- 21. Secondary Plan Amendment to the North Henderson Highway Secondary Plan (By-law 1300/76) - First Reading - SPA 5/2012
- 22. Land Exchange - Murray Avenue Resurfacing and Drainage Improvements - South Side of Murray Avenue West of CPR Winnipeg Beach Subdivision
- Governance Committee of Council - February 14, 2013
Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development, Heritage and Riverbank Management - February 4, 2013