Regular Meeting - February 22, 2013
- 158. Transfer of Funding to the Fort Garry Library Refurbishment Capital Project
- 159. Update on Service Sharing with the Rural Municipality of Springfield
- 160. Downtown Taxi Strategy
- 161. Tow Truck Removal of Stalled Vehicles during Rush Hour
- 162. Rezoning - 956 Notre Dame Avenue - DAZ 240/2012
- 163. Rezoning - 258 Burnell Street - DAZ 232/2012
- 164. Opening of Scotia Street south of Ridgecrest Avenue - DAO 7A/2012 and DAO 7B/2012
- 165. City of Winnipeg Museums Board - Contract Renewal for Museum Coordinator
- 166. Citizen Equity Committee - Contract Renewal for Committee Coordinator
- 167. Mayor's Age Friendly and Seniors Advisory Committee - Fourth Report 2011-2012 Recommendations
- 168. Amendment to the Economic Development Initiative for the Re-Development of the Existing Stadium Site and the New Stadium Development at the University of Manitoba
- 169. Winnipeg Police Pension Plan
- 170. Text Amendment - Winnipeg Zoning By-law No. 200/2006 - Secondary Suites - DAZ 200/2013
- 171. Arena Development Proposal - East End Community Centre
- 172. Multi-pad Arena Development Proposal - Garden City Community Centre 'The Seven Oaks Arena Project'
- 173. Field House Development Proposal - Jonathan Toews Community Centre
Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development, Heritage and Riverbank Management - February 4, 2013
- Meeting Cancelled - No Report
- Standing Policy Committee on Protection and Community Services - February 19, 2013
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development - February 19, 2013
- 176. 1. Development Procedures By-law Amendment - Secondary Suites
- 177. 2. Proposed lane corner Opening at the rear of 131 Bedson Street - DAO 5/2012
- 178. 3. Opening and Closing - Closing of parts of McGregor Street, Plan 8396 WLTO, Public Road Plan 13147 WLTO and Public Lane Plan 2107 WLTO, South of Murray Avenue, West of Canadian Pacific Railway Plan 379 WLTO and Opening of the North and South Sides of Murray Avenue, West of Canadian Pacific Railway Plan 379 WLTO and the East and West Sides of Ferrier Street Between Murray Avenue and Public Road Plan 13147 WLTO - DAOC 2/2012
- 179. 4. Closing - Part of Templeton Avenue (Government Road Allowance) between Alton Way and Ritchie Street - DAC 1/2013
- 180. 5. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 433 & 437 Grassie Boulevard - ZAA 9/2012
- 181. 6. Rezoning - 25 Fermor Avenue - DAZ 239/2012
- 182. 7. Subdivision and Rezoning - 453 Marion Street - DASZ 31/2012
- 183. 8. Subdivision and Rezoning - 582 Jessie Avenue - DASZ 35/2012
- 184. 9. Subdivision and Rezoning - North and South Side of Templeton Avenue and east of Ritchie Street - DASZ 38/2012
- 185. 10. Rezoning - Southeast Corner of Salter Street at Semple Avenue - DAZ 241/2012
- 186. 11. Extension of Time - Proposed Rezoning of Land Located on Part of Former Railway Line North of Kingsway South Academy - DAZ 226/2010
- 187. 12. Encroachment Agreement - 1585 Henderson Highway
- 188. 13. Declaration of Surplus Land - 405 Allard Avenue
- 189. 14. Declaration of Surplus Land - 409 Mulvey Avenue East
- 190. 15. Digital Sign and Billboard Fees
- 191. 16. City Owned Buildings Report
- 192. 17. Allocation of net Proceeds of Sale from Glenlee Community Club - 176 Worthington Avenue
- 193. 18. Permanent Easement located on Public Reserve adjacent to 110 Creek Bend Road in favour of Creek Bend Project Inc. or nominee
- 194. 19. Intergovernmental Funding Agreement Between Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) and the City of Winnipeg
- 195. 20. Secondary Plan - Waverley West Southwest Neighbourhood - First Reading - SP 3/2012
- 196. 21. Secondary Plan Amendment to the North Henderson Highway Secondary Plan (By-law 1300/76) - First Reading - SPA 5/2012
- 197. 22. Land Exchange - Murray Avenue Resurfacing and Drainage Improvements - South Side of Murray Avenue West of CPR Winnipeg Beach Subdivision
- Governance Committee of Council - February 14, 2013
Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development, Heritage and Riverbank Management - February 4, 2013