Regular Meeting - March 5, 2013
- 1. Occasional Liquor Permit - Charleswood Rotary Club
- 2. Resignation of Citizen Member from Assiniboia Library Advisory Committee
- 3. Per Capita Grant - Junior Achievement of Manitoba
- 4. Per Capita Grant - Winnipeg Mennonite Elementary and Middle School
- 5. Per Capita Grant - Woodhaven Park Community Centre
- 6. Per Capita Grant - St. James Assiniboia Pioneer Association/Grants Old Mill Museum
- 7. Community Incentive Grant - Fort Garry Lions Football Club Inc.
- 8. Community Incentive Grant - Westgrove School Parent Council
- 9. Land Dedication Reserve - Explorer's Children's Centre Inc. - Bollards for Babe's Project
- 10. Land Dedication Reserve - Parks and Open Space Division, Tennis Court Rehabilitation - 447 Collegiate Street
- 11. Land Dedication Reserve - Parks and Open Space Division, Installation of Benches along Yellow Ribbon Greenway Trail
- 12. Request for Relocation of the Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce and St. James Business Improvement Zone Offices to a City-Owned Building
- 13. Plan Approval - 1465 Maroons Road
- 1. Excess Animal Permit - 53 Woodlands Crescent - PA 285/2012
- 2. Opening and Closing - part of the public lane east of St. John Ambulance Way, south of Portage Avenue and St. John Ambulance Way at Empress Street East - DAOC 1/2012
- 3. Subdivision and Rezoning - 2080 Ness Avenue - DASZ 40/2012
- 4. Variance - 2080 Ness Avenue - DAV 180811/2012D
- 5. Subdivision and Rezoning - 1714 Wilkes Avenue - DASZ 1/2013
- 6. Variance - 1714 Wilkes Avenue - DAV 104079/2013D