Regular Meeting - May 15, 2013
- Standing Policy Committee on Protection and Community Services - May 6, 2013
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development - May 7, 2013
- 281. 1. Taylor Redevelopment Master Plan - SP 1/2013
- 282. 2. Closing - Parts of Sparling Avenue and the Public Lane West of Harrow Street - DAC 4/2013
- 283. 3. Subdivision and Rezoning - Land located South Side of Taylor Avenue between Wilton Street and 1260 Taylor Avenue - DASZ 4/2013
- 284. 4. Secondary Plan - Waverley West - Southwest Neighbourhood (Neighbourhood Plan Area 'D') - SP 3/2012
- 285. 5. Subdivision and Rezoning - Waverley West - Southwest Neighbourhood (Neighbourhood Plan Area 'D') - DASZ 33/2012
- 286. 6. Subdivision and Rezoning - 3280 Pembina Highway and Lot Adjacent to the South - DASZ 3/2013
- 287. 7. Rezoning - 925 Nairn Avenue - DAZ 202/2013
- 288. 8. Rezoning - 543 Elmhurst Road - DAZ 204/2013
- 289. 9. Extension of Time - Subdivision and Rezoning on Land Located West of Argue Street (Fort Rouge Yards) - DASZ 33/2010
- 290. 10. Extension of Time - Subdivision and Rezoning on land located at 62 Juno Street - DASZ 17/2010
- 291. 11. Extension of Time - Subdivision and Rezoning of land located at 444 Grassie Boulevard - DASZ 34/2010
- 292. 12. Amendment to the Development Agreement Parameters Council Policy - Developer Reimbursement for Precinct Plan Preparation
- 293. 13. Lease of a Portion of Kildonan Park Peguis Pavilion to WOW Hospitality Concepts Inc.
- 294. 14. Sturgeon Heights Community Centre Outdoor Hockey Rinks
- 295. 15. Ridgewood South Precinct Plan - Precinct Q of Complete Communities - First Reading - SP 4/2012
- IN CAMERA Minute 296