Special Meeting - June 19, 2013
- 1. Councillor Smith, Chair, and Brody Grusko, Committee Coordinator, Winnipeg Committee for Safety (See Report 1)
- 2. Frank Woytowich (See Report 1)
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development - June 11, 2013
- 1. Subdivision and Rezoning - 1505 Molson Street - DASZ 6/2013
- 2. Subdivision and Rezoning - 578 Jessie Avenue - DASZ 9/2013
- 3. Subdivision and Rezoning - 180 Beliveau Road and the Closed Lane to the West - DASZ 14/2013
- 4. Zoning Agreement Amendment - Van Hull Way (subdivided from 2146 St. Mary's Road under DASSF 589/2008) - ZAA 3/2013
- 5. Amendment to Servicing Agreement AG 37/2008 - Seasons of Tuxedo - DASZ 37/2008
- 6. Zoning Agreement Amendment - Southeast Corner of John Angus Drive and Cypress Ridge - ZAA 4/2013
- 7. Encroachment Agreement - Development and Maintenance of an Overhead Walkway and Underground Tunnel - 665 William Avenue - Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
- 8. Police Building Replacement - Funding Strategy and Approval for Purchase at Total Performance of the South District Police Station
- 9. Urban Design Strategy - Image Routes
- 10. Declaration of Surplus Land - 265 Osborne Street and Sale to the Adjacent Land Owner at 255 - 261 Osborne Street
- 11. Sturgeon Heights Community Centre - Amalgamation Capital Project Budget Amendment
Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works - June 18, 2013
- 1. Replacement Costs for Garbage and Recycling Carts
- 2. 2012 Annual Report Program - Winnipeg Sewage Treatment Program Agreement between the City of Winnipeg and Veolia (VWNA Winnipeg Inc.)
- 3. 2013 Regional and Local Street Renewal - Amendment of Approved 2013 Capital Budget to Include Additional Provincial Funding
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development - June 11, 2013