Regular Meeting - July 4, 2013
- 80. Carol A. Phillips, Executive Director and Vonnie Von Helmolt, Chairperson, Winnipeg Arts Council (See Minute 84)
- 81. Bill McDonald, Chief Executive Officer, The Winnipeg Humane Society, accompanied by Carla Martinelli-Irvine, Founder and Executive Director, Winnipeg Pet Rescue Shelter and Tara Bucklaschuk, D'Arcy's Animal Rescue Centre
- Nancy McQuade
- Jennifer Funk
- Kate Simpkin
- Jeff Mcfarlane, Owner, Aardvark Pets
- James Webb accompanied by Elizabeth Labelle, Citizens Helping To End The Cat Crisis
- Lynne Scott, Craig Street Cats
- Jennifer Funk
- Robert Vendramelli, Manitoba Herpetocultural Society
- Daniel Fryer
- Louise May
- Ken Hooke
- Ambroise Percheron (See Minute 85)
- 82. Agreement to Establish the Winnipeg Police Service School Resource Officer Program in the St. James-Assiniboia School Division
- 83. Community Incentive Grant - Mary Jane's Cooking School Inc.
- 84. Winnipeg Arts Council - 2012 Annual Report
85. Responsible Pet Ownership Review
- Appendix A - Draft By-law - Responsible Pet Ownership including Schedule A - List of Allowed Animals in Winnipeg; and Schedule B - Preset Fines and Early Payment Fines
- Appendix B - Proposed Cat Licensing Program - Revenue/Expense Project
- Appendix C - Current Fees and Charges - Animal Services Agency
- Appendix D - New Fees and Charges - Animal Services Agency
- Appendix E - Jurisdictional Scan - Responsible Pet Ownership
- Appendix F - Letters in Support of Proposed Responsible Pet Ownership By-law
- Appendix G - Letter - Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives
- Appendix H - Winnipeg Humane Society Position Statement
- Appendix I - Chickens for WinnipEGGers Letter
- Appendix J - British Columbia - SPCA - Against Backyard Poultry
- Appendix K - Canadian Jurisdictions Restricting the Use of Exotic Animals in Circuses
- Appendix L - Draft Fact Sheet - What You Need to Know about Responsible Pet Ownership in Winnipeg
- Submission - Best Friends Animal Hospital
- Submission - Rodger Salm, Petland
- Submission - Margaret McAllister
- Submission - Tara Bucklaschuk, D'Arcy's A.R.C.
- Submission - Lance Rosolowich, Pet Traders
- 86. Agreements with WRHA for Provision of Emergency Medical Response Services, Inter-Facility Transport and Community Paramedicine