Regular Meeting - July 10, 2013
- 1. Councillor Eadie, Mynarksi Ward (See Report 2)
- 2. Councillor Eadie, Mynarksi Ward
- 3. Councillor Smith, Daniel McIntyre Ward
- 4. Elizabeth LaBelle and Jim Webb, Citizens Helping to End the Cat Crisis
- 5. Lynne Scott, Executive Director, Craig Street Cats
- 6. Nancy McQuade
- 7. Larry Solheim, TZ Productions
- 8. Jennifer Funk
- 9. Louise May, Winnipeg Urban Chicken Association
- 10. Steve Rempel, Prairie Exotics
- 11. Tegan Jacob, Manitoba Herpetocultural Society
- 12. Stacey Gottfried, Urban Chickens Association
- 13. Janice Pennington
- 14. Bill McDonald, Chief Executive Officer, Winnipeg Humane Society
- 1. Access Advisory Committee - Contract Renewal for Committee Coordinator
- 2. Access Advisory Committee - 2012 Annual Report
- 3. 2012 Councillors Representation Allowance Audit Report
- 4. Aboriginal Scholarship and Community Service Award Program
- 5. OurWinnipeg Report to the Community - 2013 Annual Report
- 6. Provision of Sewer Services - Manitoba Hydro Riel Converter Station
- 7. Complete Communities Amendment - Jefferson Avenue and King Edward Street
- 8. Winnipeg Association of Public Service Officers (WAPSO) - Memorandum of Agreement
- 9. Rezoning - 1016 Marion Street - DAZ 214/2013
- 10. Subdivision and Rezoning - 9 Barrington Avenue - DASZ 22/2013
- 11. Subdivision and Rezoning - 2400 McPhillips Street - DASZ 23/2013
- 12. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 63 William Whiteway Bay - ZAA 5/2013
- 13. Subdivision and Rezoning - North of Jefferson Avenue and Dr. Jose Rizal Way, bounded by rail lines - DASZ 27/2013
- 14. Subdivision and Rezoning - Southwest Corner of Intersection of Jefferson Avenue and Dr. Jose Rizal Way - DASZ 28/2013
- 15. Rezoning - 4 Elkhorn Street - DAZ 207/2013
- 16. Rezoning - 237 Lowson Crescent - DAZ 218/2013
- 17. Rezoning - 1200 Sturgeon Road - DAZ 212/2013
- 18. Subdivision and Rezoning - 522 River Avenue and 99 Norquay Street - DASZ 20/2013
- 19. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 901 Lorette Avenue - ZAA 6/2013
- 20. Land Dedication Reserve - Bourkevale Community Centre
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development - July 2, 2013
- 1. Opening - North Side of Leila Avenue, West of Strasbourg Drive - DAO 1/2013
- 2. Closing - Part of the Public Lane at the Rear of 474 Wellington Crescent - DAC 8/2013
- 3. Closing - Nelson Avenue (Government Road Allowance) and part of Angela Street(Government Road Allowance) south of CPR Plan No. 1042 WLTO, east of Peguis Street - DAC 5/2013
- 4. Closing - Part of Almey Avenue, west of Ravelston Avenue West - DAC 6/2013
- 5. Extension of Time - Proposed Rezoning on Land Located at 1535 Wellington Crescent - DAZ 235/2004
- 6. Extension of Time - Subdivision and Rezoning - 1326 and 1330 Ravelston Avenue West - DASZ 11/2011
- 7. Secondary Plan Amendment - 1745 Henderson Highway and land locked parcel behind - SPA 5/2012
- 8. Subdivision and Rezoning - 1745 Henderson Highway and land locked parcel behind - DASZ 17/2013
- 9 Subdivision and Rezoning - southeast corner of Ravelstone Avenue West and Peguis Street - DASZ 10/2013
- 10. Subdivision and Rezoning - northeast corner of Ravelston Avenue and Peguis Street up to existing Nelson Avenue - DASZ 11/2013
- 11. Subdivision and Rezoning - northeast corner of existing Nelson Avenue and Peguis Street (east limit at existing Angela Street) - DASZ 12/2013
- 12. Subdivision and Rezoning - northwest corner of Ravelston Avenue West and Peguis Street - DASZ 15/2013
- 13. Subdivision and Rezoning - 1101-1121 Wabasha Street - DASZ 31/2013
- 14. Rezoning - 840 Ravelston Avenue West - DAZ 206/2013
- 15. Subdivision and Rezoning - 2967 and 3003 Waverley Street - DASZ 13/2013
- 16. Subdivision and Rezoning - North side of Pacific Avenue West (at Lots 7-10); South side of Pacific Avenue West (Lots 17-20) and 1809 Ross Avenue - DASZ 18/2013
- 17. Rezoning - Southwest Corner of Dalhousie Drive and Allegheny Drive - DAZ 210/2013
- 18. Development Agreement Amendment - AG 4/2010
- 19. Cancellation of Building Restriction Caveat - 4 Vanderbilt Drive
- 20. Henteleff Park - Framework Plan
- 21. Amendment to Memorandum of Understanding Under Subdivision and Rezoning at 1326 and 1330 Ravelston Avenue West
- 22. Land Exchange Agreement - South Side Amber Trail, West of Allan Blye Drive - Seven Oaks School Division
- 23. Encroachment Agreement to Allow for the Use of the Grant Avenue Public Right-of-Way at 500 Shaftesbury Boulevard and 600 Shaftesbury Boulevard
- 24. Temporary Construction Easement - 2125 Dugald Road and the Sale of Part of Plan 7048, SW ? 5-11-4E - Northeast Corner of Dugald Road and Plessis Road
- 25. Declaration of Surplus Land between 690 and 692 St. Anne's Road
- 26. Declaration of Surplus of Land - 67 Sadler Avenue
- 27. Declaration of Surplus Land - Northeast Corner of Callum Crescent and Donwood Drive
- 28. Site Planning Process for Co-located community amenities - School Divisions and City of Winnipeg
Standing Policy Committee on Protection and Community Services - July 4, 2013
- 1. Agreement to Establish the Winnipeg Police Service School Resource Officer Program in the St. James-Assiniboia School Division
- 2. Community Incentive Grant - Mary Jane's Cooking School Inc.
- 3. Responsible Pet Ownership Review
- 4. Agreements with WRHA for Provision of Emergency Medical Response Services, Inter-Facility Transport and Community Paramedicine
ADDENDUM - Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development, Heritage and Riverbank Management - July 8, 2013
- 1. Digital Sign Regulations and Complete Communities Downtown Zoning By-Law Alignment
- 2. Encroachment Agreement to allow the cantilever of a proposed six storey building to project over the Public Right of Way at 207 Edmonton Street
- 3. Establishment of the Exchange Waterfront Neighbourhood Development Program
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development - July 2, 2013