Regular Meeting - October 16, 2013
- 487. Councillor Havixbeck, Charleswood-Tuxedo Ward (See Minute 500)
- 488. Councillor Eadie, Mynarski Ward (See Minute 489)
- David Sanders
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development - October 8, 2013
- 493. 1. Closing - Part of Miravista Drive at the rear of No. 15 Attache Place - DAC 10/2013
- 494. 2. Opening - North and South Sides of Court Avenue, West of McPhillips Street - DAO 4/2013
- 495. 3. Subdivision and Rezoning - 455 Edison Avenue - DASZ 32/2013
- 496. 4. Rezoning - 232 Academy Road - DAZ 211/2013
- 497. 5. Rezoning - 381 Stradbrook Avenue - DAZ 216/2013
- 498. 6. Secondary Plan - Amendment to the Waverley West Southeast Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan (By-law 140/2007) - First Reading - SPA 5/2013
- 499. 7. Ridgewood South Precinct Plan (Precinct Q of Complete Communities Direction Strategy) - SP 4/2012
- 500. 8. Leased Accommodations - Charleswood Library
- 501. 9. Sale of the City-owned Property - East side of Shaftesbury Boulevard between Grant Avenue and West Taylor Boulevard
- 502. 10. Encroachment Agreement to Allow for the Use of the Dawson Road North Right-of-Way Adjacent to 57-63 Dawson Road North for the Development and Maintenance of a Parking Area
- 503. 11. Lease Agreement between the City and the St. James-Assiniboia School Division
- 504. 12. Rezoning - 320 Stradbrook Avenue - DAZ 215/2013
- Standing Policy Committee on Finance - October 10, 2013
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development - October 8, 2013