Regular Meeting - December 4, 2013
- 39. Committees, Boards and Commissions - Citizen Member Appointments
- 40. Disbandment of Inactive Boards and Commissions
- 41. Complete Communities Amendment - Saskatchewan Avenue, Airport Area - SPA 4/2013
- 42. 2014 Local Improvement Interest Rates
- 43. Discount(s) to be allowed for the Prepayment of 2014 Real, Personal Property and Business Taxes
- 44. Office of Ethics Commissioner
- Standing Policy Committee on Protection and Community Services - December 2, 2013
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development - December 3, 2013
- 47. 1. Rezoning - Multiple Sites along Brookside Boulevard, Oak Point Highway, King Edward Street - DAZ 223/2013
- 48. 2. Subdivision and Rezoning - Lots 2 and 3, Plan 45753, Peguis Street and Reenders Drive - DASZ 33/2013
- 49. 3. Rezoning - 895 Cockburn Street South - DAZ 224/2013
- 50. 4. Extension of Time - Subdivision and Rezoning - 405 Hamel Avenue - DASZ 26/2011
- 51. 5. Extension of Time - 1519 Regent Avenue West - DASZ 3/99
- 52. 6. Amendment to the 2013 Building Communities Initiative II Phase II - Old Kildonan Ward Capital Program Budget
- 53. 7. Amendment to the 2013 Community & Neighbourhood Main Streets Capital Program Budget
- 54. 8. Street Name Changes - Public Road, Road Nos. 1 and 2, Plan 51435 WLTO and Public Road, Road Nos.1, 2 and 3, Plan 52150 WLTO to Centreport Canada Way, Sturgeon Access, Sturgeon Road and Tonka Point
- 55. 9. Establishment of a Millennium Library Park Redevelopment Capital Budget
- 56. 10. Declaration of Surplus Land - North of Scotia Street between Main Street and the Red River
- 57. 11. Leased Accommodations - Charleswood Library