Regular Meeting - January 22, 2014
- 101. Councillor Havixbeck, Charleswood-Tuxedo Ward (See Minute 131)
- 102. Councillor Havixbeck, Charleswood-Tuxedo Ward (See Minute 107)
- David Sanders
- Colin Craig, Canadian Taxpayers Federation
- Councillor Eadie, Mynarski Ward
- 103. Ken Guilford (See Minute 104)
- 104. City of Winnipeg Housing Policy
- 105. Homelessness Partnering Strategy - Renewal of Agreement
- 106. Winnipeg Police Pension Board - Appointment of City Representatives
107. Quarterly Status Report - Public Service response to the Report on New Fire Paramedic Stations Construction Project
- Appendix A - Financial Management Administrative Standards
- Appendix B - Firehall Audit
- Submission - David Sanders
- 108. External Audit of the Winnipeg Police Headquarters Construction Project
- Standing Policy Committee on Protection and Community Services - January 13, 2014
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development - January 14, 2014
- 111. 1. Secondary Plan Amendment - Waverley West Southeast Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan (By-law 140/2007) - SPA 5/2013
- 112. 2. Secondary Plan Amendment - 1500 Plessis Road - SPA 3/2013
- 113. 3. Closing - part of Ravelston Avenue West between Chrislind and Bradley Streets for incorporation into DASZ 39/2013 - DAC 13/2013
- 114. 4. Subdivision and Rezoning - 1500 Plessis Road - DASZ 39/2013
- 115. 5. Subdivision and Rezoning - 221 Stradbrook Avenue - DASZ 41/2013
- 116. 6. Rezoning - 629 Dudley Avenue - DAZ 228/2013
- 117. 7. Rezoning - 772 Jessie Avenue - DAZ 227/2013
- 118. 8. Rezoning - 87 Harvard Avenue - DAZ 225/2013
- 119. 9. Opening - North Side of Inksbrook Drive, East of Brookside Boulevard - DAO 10/2013
- 120. 10. Closing - part of Springfield Road between Dunits Drive and Chief Peguis Trail - DAC 6/2012
- 121. 11. Extension of Time - Proposed Subdivision & Rezoning of Land Located at 455 Templeton Avenue and 2401 Ferrier Street - DASZ 15/2011
- 122. 12. Extension of Time - Proposed Rezoning on Land Located at 184 Sherbrook Street - DAZ 204/2012
- 123. 13. Tot Lot located at the Southwest Corner of Ellen Street and Pacific Avenue
- 124. 14. Amendment to the Transcona Centennial Square Capital Project Budget
- 125. 15. Progress Report - Reopening of Sherbrook Pool
- 126. 16. Alignment of Winnipeg Zoning By-law with the Complete Communities Direction Strategy By-law
- 127. 17. Declaration of Surplus Land - between 301 and 303 Victoria Crescent and between 55 and 63 Victoria Crescent
- 128. 18. Encroachment Agreement to Allow for the Use of a Portion of the Melrose Avenue East Right-of-Way for the Purpose of Constructing a Vestibule Addition at 517 Pandora Avenue East
- 129. 19. Land Donation - Portion of 875 Camiel Sys Street between De Baets Street and Plessis Road
- 130. 20. Establishment of a Royalwood Parks Enhancements Capital Program Budget
- 131. 21. Amendments to the Charleswood Transportation Levy and the Creation of a new Ridgewood Transportation Levy
- 132. 22. Subdivision and Rezoning - 4820 Roblin Boulevard and 521 Dieppe Road - DASZ 43/2013