Regular Meeting - February 19, 2014
- 1. Winnipeg Committee for Safety - 2014 Annual Work Plan and Budget
- 2. Citizen Equity Committee - Contract Renewal for Committee Coordinator
- 3. Multi-pad Arena Development - Transcona East End Community Centre 'Transcona East End Arena Expansion Project'
- 4. Rezoning - Pembina Highway at Grandmont Boulevard - DAZ 232/2013
- 5. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 540 St. Anne's Road - ZAA 11/2013
- 6. Member Appointment - BBB Stadium Inc.
Standing Policy Committee on Protection and Community Services - February 10, 2014
- 1. Massage Regulations (formerly Holistic Medical Establishments)
- 2. Community Incentive Grant - Lord Selkirk School
- 3. Community Incentive Grant - North Winnipeg Nomads Football Club Inc.
- 4. City of Winnipeg Museums Board - 2013 Annual Report
- 5.? Doing Business in Winnipeg By-law No. 91/2008 - Escort Agencies and Massage Parlours
- 6. Establishment of a Library Service Partnership between Winnipeg Public Library and the University of Manitoba Libraries
- 7. Re-allocate Council approved Capital Budgets to the St. Vital Outdoor Pool Redevelopment Project, and Consolidate Funding into one Capital Project
- ADDENDUM - Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development - January 14, 2014
- ADDENDUM - Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development - February 18, 2014
- 1. Subdivision and Rezoning - 1310 Henderson Highway - File DASZ 44/2013
- 2. Subdivision and Rezoning - 1916, 1918 and 1920 St. Mary's Road - DASZ 38/2013
- 3. Subdivision and Rezoning- 140 Hebert Street - DASZ 40/2013
- 4. Closing - Van Roon Drive, west of Charleswood Road for incorporation onto DASZ 50/2013 - DAC 17/2013
- 5. Subdivision and Rezoning - Charleswood Road at Harte Trail - Ridgewood South Area 1 - DASZ 50/2013
- 6. Subdivision and Rezoning - Southeast Corner of Community Row and Rannock Avenue - Ridgewood South Area 10 - DASZ 53/2013
- 7. Extension of time and to replace Schedule 'A' - Subdivision and Rezoning on land located at 913, 917 and 919 St. Mary's Road - File DASZ 10/2011
- 8. Extension of Time - 851-867 Panet Road - DAZ 221/2010
- 9. Extension of Time - 60/70 Whellams Lane - DAS 15/2009
- 10. Extension of Time - Proposed Rezoning on Land Located at 2501 Ferrier Street - DAZ 202/2010
- 11. Secondary Plan Amendment to the South St. Boniface Area Structure Plan By-law No. 158/2005 (Secondary Plan) - First Reading - SPA 8/2013
- 12. Expropriation of Lands - Polo Park Infrastructure Improvements Project
- 13. Progress Report - Reopening of Sherbrook Pool
- 14. Wildwood Park Community - Background Study
- 15. Establishment of Three Spray Pads and a Park Playground Enhancement Capital Program Budget
- 16. Declaration of Surplus Land - adjacent to 851 Tache Avenue
- 17. Transcona North Precinct Plan, Precinct `I' of Complete Communities - First Reading - File SP 6/2013
- 18. Expropriation of Land - Portion of 1780 Taylor Avenue for the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Station No. 12 - Fire Paramedic Facilities Replacement and Relocation Program
Standing Policy Committee on Protection and Community Services - February 10, 2014