Regular Meeting - March 19, 2014
- 200. Councillor Havixbeck, Charleswood - Tuxedo Ward
- Gordon Warren (See Minute 213)
- 201. Councillor Havixbeck, Charleswood - Tuxedo Ward (See Minute 214)
- 202. Councillor Havixbeck, Charleswood - Tuxedo Ward
- David Sanders (See Minute 218)
- 203. Councillor Havixbeck, Charleswood - Tuxedo Ward (See Minute 240)
- 204. David Sanders (See Minute 217)
- 205. David Sanders (See Minute 219)
- 206. David Sanders (See Minute 221)
- 207. David Sanders (See Minute 222)
- 208. David Sanders (See Minute 223)
- 209. David Sanders (See Minute 224)
- 210. David Sanders (See Minute 225)
- 211. Bryan Ward, MMM Group (See Minute 234)
212. 2014 Business Improvement Zone Levies
- Academy Road Business Improvement Zone
- Corydon Avenue Business Improvement Zone
- Downtown Winnipeg Business Improvement Zone
- Exchange District Business Improvement Zone
- North End Business Improvement Zone
- Norwood Grove Business Improvement Zone
- Old St. Vital Business Improvement Zone
- Osborne South Business Improvement Zone
- Osborne Village Business Improvement Zone
- ZAC Boulevard Provencher Boulevard Business Improvement Zone
- Zone d'am?lioration commerciale Saint-Norbert Business Improvement Zone
- Selkirk Avenue Business Improvement Zone
- St. James Village Business Improvement Zone
- Transcona Business Improvement Zone
- West Broadway Business Improvement Zone
- West End Business Improvement Zone
- 213. Citizen Reimbursement for Thawing Frozen Pipes
- 214. Weekly Council Seminars
- 215. Citizen Member Appointment - St. Boniface Museum Board
- 216. Rezoning - Archibald Street, East of Cusson Street - DAZ 222/2013
- 217. Winnipeg Police Association - Memorandum of Agreement
- 218. Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Complement
- 219. The City of Winnipeg Employees' Group Life Insurance Plans - Investment Management
- 220. 2014 Mill Rates for the Education Support Levy and Special Levy
212. 2014 Business Improvement Zone Levies
Standing Policy Committee on Protection and Community Services - March 10, 2014
- 221. 1. Agreement between the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Chief Firearms Program (CFP) and The City of Winnipeg
- 222. 2. Agreement for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) use of Winnipeg Police Service Firing Range
- 223. 3. Service Agreement between the Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation and The City of Winnipeg for the Winnipeg Police Service 2013 RoadWatch Program
- 224. 4. Service Agreement between the Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation and The City of Winnipeg for the Winnipeg Police Service 2013 School Zone Safety Enforcement Program
- 225. 5. Service Agreement between the Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation and The City of Winnipeg for the Winnipeg Police Service November 2013 Distracted Driving Enforcement Campaign
- 226. 6. Community Incentive Grant - Chai Folk Arts Council Inc.
- 227. 7. Community Incentive Grant - St. James Village Business Improvement Zone
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development - March 11, 2014
- 228. 1. Closing - parts of Raleigh Street and Gateway Road at the City of Winnipeg Limits - DAC 18/2013
- 229. 2. Secondary Plan Amendment - 1963, 1967 and 1977 Henderson Highway; 234 and 236 Bonner Avenue - SPA 6/2013
- 230. 3. Subdivision and Rezoning - Part of 1963, 1977 and 1987 Henderson Highway; 234 and 236 Bonner Avenue - DASZ 51/2013
- 231. 4. Amendment to Servicing Agreement Conditions - 311 Grassie Boulevard - DASZ 24/2011
- 232. 5. Development Agreement Amendment - Subdivision and Rezoning at 50 Ridgecrest Avenue - DASZ 13/2012
- 233. 6. Rezoning - 276 Murray Avenue - DAZ 231/2013
- 234. 7. Precinct Plan 'F' - North Point Village - SP 4/2013
- 235. 8. Subdivision and Rezoning - Southeast Corner of McPhillips Street and Murray Avenue - DASZ 54/2013
- 236. 9. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 1210-1220 Chamberlain Avenue - ZAA 12/2013
- 237. 10. Rezoning - 1210-1220 Chamberlain Avenue - DAZ 233/2013
- 238. 11. Progress Report - Reopening of Sherbrook Pool
- 239. 12. Lease Agreement Amendment - Garden Grove Child Care Program Inc.
- 240. 13. Closing - Parts of Kenaston Boulevard, Plan 8402 WLTO and Public Road Plan 9280 WLTO (Kenaston Boulevard Snow Dump Site) - DAC 11/2013
- 241. 14. Opening - north side of Silver Avenue between Inglewood and Winchester Streets - DAO 3/2014
- 242. 15. Encroachment Agreement - Right-of-Way between Fernbank Avenue and the North City Limit
- Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works - March 13, 2014
Standing Policy Committee on Finance - March 13, 2014
- No Report
Standing Policy Committee on Protection and Community Services - March 10, 2014