Regular Meeting - June 2, 2014
- 1. Appointment of Winnipeg Public Library Board Member - Riel Library Advisory Committee
- 2. Per Capita Grant - Salvation Army - Barbara Mitchell Family Centre
- 3. Per Capita Grant - Claremont Street Block Party
- 4. Per Capita Grant - Family Dynamics Inc
- 5. Per Capita Grant - Festival du Voyageur Inc
- 6. Per Capita Grant - Jocelyn House Hospice
- 7. Per Capita Grant - Kathy Hewko
- 8. Per Capita Grant - Kelvin High School Reach for the Top
- 9. Per Capita Grant - L'Association des R?sidants Place Des Meurons
- 10. Per Capita Grant - Niakwa Park Residents' Association
- 11. Per Capita Grant - Programme Jeunesse ICI Corp
- 12. Per Capita Grant - South End Senior Slo-Pitch
- 13. Per Capita Grant - South End Senior Slo-Pitch
- 14. Per Capita Grant - Southwood Golf and Country Club
- 15. Per Capita Grant - Union Nationale M?tisse Saint-Joseph du Manitoba
- 16. Per Capita Grant - The Winnipeg Humane Society - Golf Tournament - In The Ruff
- 17. Per Capita Grant - Healy/Furness Block Party Committee
- 18. Community Incentive Grant - Champlain Community Centre
- 19. Community Incentive Grant - La Maison des Artistes Visuels Francophones Inc
- 20. Community Incentive Grant - Southdale Recreation Association Inc
- 21. Land Dedication Reserve - Maple Grove Dog Park
- 22. Opening of a Public Walk East of Kenaston Boulevard, South of Southview Crescent - DAO 5/2014
- 23. Plan Approval - 1201 St. Anne's Road - DASZ 25/2012
- 24. Plan Approval - 1504 St. Mary's Road - DAZ 285/87
- 25. Non-Conforming Approach - 77 St. Vital Road
- 26. Design Review - 3564 Pembina Highway - DAZ 207/2010
- 27. Per Capita Grant - Soci?t? franco-manitobaine
- 28. Per Capita Grant - Old St. Vital BIZ
- 1. Variance - Sage Creek Boulevard - DAV 116689/2014D
- 2. Closing - Part of Dawson Road south between Plessis Road and Royal Mint Drive for incorporation into DASZ 52/2013 - DAC 19/2013
- 3. Opening and Closing - Part of Fermor Avenue between Plessis Road and Royal Mint Drive and Proposed closing of part of Plessis Road south of Fermor Avenue for incorporation into DASZ 52/2013 - DAOC 1/2013
- 4. Subdivision and Rezoning - Parcel A, Plan 107449 and LOT 1, Plan 12012, 1501 and 1525 Dawson Road South - DASZ 52/2013
- 5. Conditional Use - 1501, 1525 and unaddress Lot on Dawson Road South - DCU 115142/2014D
- 6. Variance - PCL A Plan 10749 LOT 1 PLAN 12012 RCMP - DAV 176079/2013D
- 7. Secondary Plan Amendment - Waverley West Southeast Neighbouhood Area Structure Plan - SPA 1/2014
- 8. Rezoning - Northwest corner of Waverley Street and John Angus Drive - DAZ 202/2014