Regular Meeting - November 10, 2014
- 345. 2015 Schedule of Meetings - Riel Community Committee
- 346. Local Improvements - Bronstone Boulevard, Fernwood Avenue and St. Mary's Road
- 347. Per Capita Grant - Dakota Collegiate
- 348. Per Capita Grant - Joy Winter-Schmidt/Jade Productions
- 349. Per Capita Grant - Louis Riel School Division Arts and Technology Centre
- 350. Per Capita Grant - Programme Jeunesse ICI Corp.
- 351. Per Capita Grant - Waverley Heights Community Centre
- 352. Per Capita Grant - Waverley Heights Community Centre
- 353. Extension of Time - Proposed Rezoning - 15 Arden Avenue - DAZ 222/2010
- 354. Extension of Time - Proposed Subdivision and Rezoning - 405 Hamel Avenue - DASZ 26/2011
- 355. Plan Approval - 79 Lakeview Cove - DAZ 208/1998
- 356. Plan Approval - 1150 St. Anne's Road - DASZ 26/2001
- 357. Plan Approval - 218 Enfield Crescent - DCU 125237/2014C
- 358. Plan Approval - 540 St. Anne's Road - DASZ 10/1996
- 359. Plan Approval - Park East and Park West Drive - DASZ 4/2010
- 360. Appointment to Governance Committee of Council
- 361. Annual Performance Management Review - Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)
- 362. Community Committee Meetings
- 363. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 985 Chancellor Drive - ZAA 10/2013
- 364. Variance - 985 Chancellor Drive - DAV 176416/2013D
- 365. Rezoning - 11 Moore Avenue - DAZ 222/2014
- 366. Conditional Use - 11 Moore Avenue - DCU 135285/2014D
- 367. Variance - 11 Moore Avenue - DAV 140971/2014D
- 368. Subdivision and Rezoning - North Side of Sage Creek Boulevard between Lagimodiere Boulevard and Burning Glass Road - DASZ 24/2014