Regular Meeting - November 12, 2014
- 1. Appointment of Chairperson - City Centre Community Committee
- 2. Appointment to Governance Committee of Council
- 3. 2015 Schedule of Meetings - City Centre Community Committee
- 4. Occasional Liquor Permit - German-Canadian Congress
- 5. Per Capita Grant - Churchill High School - Red Eagle Drum Group
- 6. Per Capita Grant - Oak Table Community Ministry
- 7. Per Capita Grant - Linden Woods Community Centre
- 8. Per Capita Grant - The Winnipeg Humane Society
- 9. Plan Approval - 1717 Waverley Street
- 10. Grant Park Recreational Area Plan
- 11. Community Incentive Grant - Alliance Fran?aise du Manitoba
- 12. Community Incentive Grant - Casa do Minho Portuguese Centre Inc.
- 13. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - 615 Hethrington Park Renaming
- 14. Non-Conforming Approach - 830 Somerset Avenue
HEARINGS - 6:00 P.M.
- 15. Excess Animal Permit - 488 Wardlaw Avenue - PA 307/2014
- 16. Rezoning - 1023 Wilkes Avenue - DAZ 223/2014
- 17. Variance - 1023 Wilkes Avenue - DAV 138937/2014D
- 18. Subdivision and Rezoning - 1710 Grosvenor Avenue - DASZ 25/2014
- 19. Variance - 54 Maryland Street - DAV 163555/2014D
- 20. Demolition - 124-152 Mayfair Avenue - DEMO 163936/2014
- 21. Demolition - 145-159 River Avenue - DEMO 163942/2014
- 22. Secondary Plan - Corydon-Osborne Area Plan - SP 2/2014
23. Secondary Plan - Amendment to the Osborne Village Neighbourhood Plan By-law No. 220/06 - SPA 4/2014
- Schedule 'A' - By-Law 100/2014
- Attachment 'A' - Map 2.1 Boundaries
- Attachment 'B' - Map 2.2 Context and Location
- Attachment 'C' - Map 2.3 Riverbanks & Natural Areas
- Attachment 'D' - Map 2.4 Current Land Use Pattern
- Attachment 'E' - Map 2.5 Land Use Designation
- Attachment 'F' - Map 4.1 Residential
- Attachment 'G' - Map 5.1 Commercial
- Attachment 'H' - Map 6.1 Mixed Use Transition & Mixed Use Employment
- Attachment 'I' - Map 8.1 Parks and Open Space
- Attachment 'J' - Map 8.2 South Assiniboine Parkway and River Access
- Attachment 'K' - Map 9.1 Heirarchy of Streets
- Attachment 'L' - Map 9.2 Public Transit Routes & South West Transit Corridor
- Attachment 'M' - Map 9.3 Pedestrian Routes, Nodes & Linkages