Regular Meeting - December 1, 2014
- 1. Applications for Citizen Member Appointments to the Riel Library Advisory Committee
- 2. Applications for Citizen Member Appointments - St. Boniface Museum Board
- 3. Occasional Liquor Permit - Greendell Park Community Centre
- 4. Local Improvement Projects to be advertised in 2014
- 5. Local Improvement Projects to be advertised in 2014
- 6. Local Improvements - Bronstone Boulevard, Fernwood Avenue and St. Mary's Road
- 7. Per Capita Grant - Family Dynamics Inc
- 8. Per Capita Grant - Family Dynamics Inc
- 9. Per Capita Grant - Joy Winter-Schmidt/Jade Productions
- 10. Plan Approval - 375 Park West Drive - DASZ 4/2010
- 11. Plan Approval - 540 St. Anne's Road - DASZ 10/1996
- 12. Plan Approval - Park East and Park West Drive - DASZ 4/2010
- 13. Plan Approval - Sage Creek Boulevard - DASZ 36/2012
- 14. South of Aldgate Road Recreational Opportunities
- 1. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 985 Chancellor Drive - ZAA 10/2013
- 2. Variance - 985 Chancellor Drive - DAV 176416/2013D
- 3. Rezoning - 11 Moore Avenue - DAZ 222/2014
- 4. Conditional Use - 11 Moore Avenue - DCU 135285/2014D
- 5. Variance - 11 Moore Avenue - DAV 140971/2014D
- 6. Subdivision and Rezoning - North Side of Sage Creek Boulevard between Lagimodiere Boulevard and Burning Glass Road - DASZ 24/2014
- 7. Conditional Use - Sage Creek Boulevard - DCU 166001/2014D
- 8. Plan of Subdivision - 80 Halparin Drive, 420 and 436 Budd Road and 172 Phil-Chris Way - DAS 26/2014
- 9. Variance - 80 Halparin Drive, 420 and 436 Budd Road and 172 Phil-Chris Way - DAV 15383/2014D
- 10. Subdivision and Rezoning- 1680 St. Mary's Road, 700 and 730 River Road - DASZ 28/2014
- 11. Variance - 1680 St. Mary's Road; 700 and 730 River Road - DAV 156150/2014D