Regular Meeting - December 3, 2014
- 1. Jean Paul Gobeil, Chair, Board of Directors, Mus?e Saint-Boniface Museum (See Report 2)
- 2. Christian Robin, Co-Chair, City of Winnipeg Museums Board (See Report 2)
- 3. Carol A. Phillips, Executive Director, together with Vonnie Von Helmolt, Chair, and Dominic Lloyd, Winnipeg Arts Council (See Report 1)
- 1. Winnipeg Arts Council - 2015 Corporate Plan and Budget
- 2. Dalnavert Museum - 2014 Funding
- 3. 2015 Access Advisory Committee - Operating Budget
- 4. 2015 Access Advisory Committee - Action Plan
- 5. Request to Increase Funding in the 2015-2019 Capital Budget for the City of Winnipeg Department Wide Accessibility Program
- 6. Winnipeg Civic Employees' Benefits Program, Board of Trustees - Appointments
- 7. First Charge against 2015 Capital Budget - P3 monthly payments
- 8. Amendments to The City of Winnipeg Charter - Compliance with Manitoba Building Code and City Zoning By-laws
- 9. Winnipeg Police Pension Fund Letter of Credit
- 10. Amendment to the Elected Officials Compensation By-law No. 158/2011 - Severance Remuneration for Members of Council
- 11. Amendment to the Elected Officials Compensation By-law No. 158/2011 - Reduced Additional Salaries
- 12. Amendment to the Councillors Representation Allowance - Ineligible Expenses
- 13. Amendment to The City Organization By-law No. 7100/97 - Office of Policy and Strategic Initiatives
- 14. New Municipal Capital Projects - Indigenous Arts and Culture
- 15. Web-based Central System for Scheduling of Community Centre Volunteers
- 16. Landscaping and Safety Standards for Downtown Surface Parking Lots
- 17. Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaiwak - The City of Winnipeg's Aboriginal Youth Infrastructure Training / Apprenticeship Program
- 18. Single Source Engineering Consultant Contract - Watershed and Asset Protection Considerations
- 19. Winnipeg Police Headquarters Redevelopment Project - Insurance Recovery Report
- 20. Former Winnipeg Stadium Tax Increment Financing (TIF) By-law
- Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development, Heritage and Riverbank Management - November 27, 2014
- 1. Addition to the Commemorative List - 524 Osborne Street (Fire Hall No. 15), 845 Sargent Avenue (Fire Hall No. 5), and 1466 William Avenue (Fire Hall No. 9)
- 2. Addition to the Commemorative List - 200 Berry Street, (St. James Fire Hall No.1)
- Standing Policy Committee on Protection and Community Services - November 24, 2014
Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works - November 25, 2014
- 1. First Charge against the 2015 Capital Budget for Water and Waste Department Capital
- 2. First Charge against the 2015 Capital Budget for Waterway Crossings and Grade Separations Projects
- 3. Delegation of Authority to Adjust Accounts or Fees for Water, Sewer or Solid Waste Services
- 4.? Daily Bus Pass
- 5. Local Improvement Projects to be advertised - St. Mary's Road in the block bounded by Lillian Avenue, Cromwell Street and St. Mary's Road
- 6. Single Source Authorization and Award of Contract for Imperial Oil Limited Works Associated with Pipeline Relocations for Plessis Road Twinning and Grade Separation at CN Redditt Subdivision - 918-2014
- 7. William R. Clement Parkway between Grant Avenue and Wilkes Avenue - Amendment of Approved 2014 Capital Budget to Include Funding from Charleswood Transportation Levy
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development - November 25, 2014
- 1. Rezoning - 1023 Wilkes Avenue - DAZ 223/2014
- 2. Rezoning - 140 Alfred Avenue - DAZ 228/2014
- 3. Rezoning - 337 Rutland Street - DAZ 230/2014
- 4. Subdivision and Rezoning - east side of Shaftesbury Boulevard, south of Grant Avenue - DASZ 9/2014
- 5. Subdivision and Rezoning - 1191-1197 Kenaston Boulevard and vacant land to the South - DASZ 27/2014
- 6. Subdivision and Rezoning - 2695 and 2731 Main Street - DASZ 5/2014
- 7. Secondary Plan - Corydon-Osborne Area Plan - SP 2/2014
- 8. Secondary Plan - Amendment to the Osborne Village Neighbourhood Plan By-law No. 220/06 - SPA 4/2014
- 9. Request to Amend Development Agreement Conditions for File DASZ 11/2011
- 10. Extension of Time - Proposed Rezoning - 15 Arden Avenue - DAZ 222/2010
- 11. Extension of Time - Proposed Subdivision and Rezoning - 405 Hamel Avenue - DASZ 26/2011
- 12. Extension of Time - Proposed Subdivision and Rezoning - 431 Haney Street - DASZ 14/2012
- 13. Amendment to Servicing Agreement AG 233/2007 - Cornerstone Housing Corp., 1865 Gateway Road - DAZ 223/2007
- 14. Declaration of Surplus Land Adjacent to 3500 Beiko Avenue
- 15. Declaration of Surplus Land - 742 Kildonan Drive
- 16. Declaration of Surplus Land - 1030 Waterford Avenue
- 17. Declaration of Surplus Land adjacent to 88 Fennel Street and 1397 Buffalo Place
- 18. Sale of City-owned Property Adjacent to 66 Mansfield Crescent, shown as `Subject City Property' on Misc. Plan No. 14479
- 19. License Agreement to Allow for the Use of City-Owned Park Lands Adjacent to 146 Magnus Street for the Purpose of Installing and Maintaining Two Light Standards and Surveillance Cameras
- 20. Street Name Change - Ravelston Avenue West, between Peguis and Bradley Streets, to Transcona Boulevard
- 21. Secondary Plan - Precinct 'E' of Complete Communities - SP 4/2014