Regular Meeting - April 22, 2015
- 1. Bonnie Mitchelson, MLA for River East
- 2. Cathy Cox
- 3. Ross Campbell
- 4. Roland Wickstrom
- (See Item 4 - SPC on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works - April 14, 2015)
- 1. Rezoning - 336 and 350 Laxdal Road, SP Lot 1, SP Lot 3 and SP Lot 6 Plan 20203 - DAZ 201/2015
- 2. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 858 Corydon Avenue - ZAA 2/2015
- 3. Rezoning - 698 Furby Street - DAZ 204/2015
- 4. Appointment of Acting City Auditor
- 5. Single Source Negotiation - Extended Warranty Repair and Maintenance of On-line Street Parking Revenue Control System
- 6. Amendment to the Purpose of the Workers Compensation Reserve Fund - Changes introduced by the Workers Compensation Board
- 7. Amendment to Tax Certificates Fees By-law No. 4860/88
- 8. Volleyball Manitoba Bid to keep Winnipeg as Host City for the National Women's Volleyball Team
Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development, Heritage and Riverbank Management - April 10, 2015
- No Report
Standing Policy Committee on Protection and Community Services - April 13, 2015
- 1. Service Agreement between the Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation and the City of Winnipeg for the Winnipeg Police Service 2014 School Zone Safety Enforcement Program
- 2. Funding Agreement between the Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation and the City of Winnipeg Community Services Department 2015 Car Town Program
- 3. Neighbourhood Liveability By-law No. 1/2008 Review - Basement Occupancy Standards
- 4. Library Services Multilingual Collection Program
- 5. Agreement between the City of Winnipeg and the Province of Manitoba - Winnipeg Community Infrastructure Program (WCIP) - Turtle Island Neighbourhood Centre
Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works - April 14, 2015
- 1. 2014 Comprehensive Integrated Waste Management Strategy Annual Report
- 2. Agreements for Supply of Collection and Handling Service to Producer Responsibility Organizations
- 3. Single Source Negotiations and Award of Contract for Manitoba Hydro Works Associated with the Cockburn - Calrossie Combined Sewer Area - Land Drainage Improvements Projects - Parker Pond Bid Solicitation 190-2015
- 4. East St. Paul Through-Pass
- 5. Amendment to the City of Winnipeg Streets and Traffic By-laws - CentrePort Canada Way Area Roadways
- 6. Amendment of 2014 Adopted Capital Budget to Include Additional Funding from Various Donations
- 7. Appointment of Weed Inspectors under the Noxious Weeds Act
- 8. Allocation of the 2015 Regional Street Renewal Program's 'Incremental Cash to Capital' to Projects - $6.5 Million
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development - April 14, 2015
- 1. Closing - Part of Mission Street between CNR Plan 6799 WLTO and Bournais Drive - DAC 1/2015
- 2. Rezoning - 67 Fermor Avenue - DAZ 234/2014
- 3. Proposed Rent Increase - Louis Riel Library - 1168 Dakota Street, between the City of Winnipeg and Southwood Enterprises Limited
- 4. Declaration of Surplus Land - Rear of 1280 Archibald Street
- 5. Acquisition - Portion of 2055 Notre Dame Avenue for the Construction of a Turning Lane
- 6. Proposed Land Exchange - Rear of 97 Oak Forest Crescent for a Portion of the land Fronting Oak Forest Crescent
- 7. Declaration of Surplus land - South of 2130 Notre Dame Avenue
- 8. Declaration of Surplus Land - South of 1240 Sherwin Road
- 9. Sherbrook Pool Repair Project: Status Report
- 10. Joint Venture Agreement with Edge Corp Developments Ltd. for 22.9 Acres of City-owned Property - 1500 Plessis Road
Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development, Heritage and Riverbank Management - April 10, 2015