Regular Meeting - July 8, 2015
- 1. Cllr Gerbasi, Fort Rouge - East Fort Garry Ward
- 2. Steve Snyder
3. Dr. Sande Harlos, Medical Officer of Health, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
- (See Item 4 - SPC on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works - June 23, 2015)
- 4. Suzanne Lussier (See Item 6 - SPC on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works - June 23, 2015)
- 1. Waiver of Fees - Sport for Life Centre
- 2. Implementation of the Municipal By-Law Enforcement Act (MBEA)
- 3. Name Change - Osborne South Business Improvement Zone to South Osborne Business Improvement Zone
- 4. New Execution of Documents By-law
- 5. Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Complement Report
- 6. Citizen Member Appointments - Committees, Board and Commissions
- 7. Restructuring the City of Winnipeg Employees' Group Life Insurance Plans
- 8. Single Source Negotiation and Award of Contract - 2015 North East Exchange District Street Renewal Project
- 9. 2015 City-wide Accessibility Grants and Delegation of Authority for Grants from the City-wide Accessibility Capital Program Budget
- 10. Memorandum of Agreement - Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 1505
- 11. Proposed Parcel 4 - Forks Rail Side Development
- 12. Land Dedication Reserve - St. Mary's Road Pedestrian Corridor
- 13. Bus Rapid Transit Update
- Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development, Heritage and Riverbank Management - June 22, 2015
Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works - June 23, 2015
- 1. Donation of Surplus Greater Winnipeg Water District (GWWD) Railway Equipment
- 2. Award of Contract for Biosolids Transportation from North End Water Pollution Control Centre (NEWPCC) Dewatering Facility to Brady Road Landfill
- 3. Winnipeg Sewage Treatment Program 2014 Annual Report Program Agreement Between The City of Winnipeg and Veolia (VWNA Winnipeg Inc.)
- 4. Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies
- 5. School Zone - Lincoln Middle School
- 6. Sunday/Holiday Bicycle Route Barricade Request
- 7. Request for First Charge Against the 2016 Capital Budget for Waterway Crossings and Grade Separations Projects
- 8. Amendment to the Garbage Disposal Fee at 4R Winnipeg Depot (Brady Road Location)
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development - June 26, 2015
- 1. Subdivision and Rezoning - 3600 and 3636 Portage Avenue - DASZ 8/2015
- 2. Subdivision and Rezoning - 159-175 Mayfair Avenue - DASZ 11/2015
- 3. Subdivision and Rezoning - 90 Lexington Park - DASZ 5/2015
- 4. Extension of Time - Proposed Subdivision and Rezoning on land located at the Northeast Corner of Ravelston Avenue and Peguis Street
- 5. Extension of Time - Rezoning of Land Located on Court Avenue (Lot 1, Plan 52503)
- 6. Proposed Lease Agreement to Allow for the Use of a Portion of City-Owned Property at 745 Kingsbury Avenue for the purpose of a Fitness Centre
- 7. Proposed Lease Agreement to Allow for the Use of a Portion of City-Owned Property at 745 Kingsbury Avenue for the purpose of a Sports Shop
- 8. Lease Agreement and Encroachment Agreement between the St. James-Assiniboia School Division and the City of Winnipeg
- 9. Amendments to Street Names By-law
- 10. Rail Safety
- 11. Proposed Lease Agreement to Allow for the Use of a Portion of City-Owned Land at 1964 St. Mary's Road for the Purpose of Developing and Maintaining a Passive Park
- 12. Proposed License Agreement for St. Norbert Business Improvement Zone (BIZ) Community Seating Nodes with the St. Norbert Foundation
- 13. Establishment of a Park City West Community Centre Site Enhancements Capital Project Budget
ADDENDUM - Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development - July 6, 2015
- 1. Disposal of land, shown as 'Subject Property' on Misc. Plan No. 13998/7, to support the Park Manor Personal Care Home Expansion
- 2. Amendment to the Machray Park - Splash Pad Capital Project Budget
- 3. Winnipeg Electrical By-law
- 4. Request to Rescind 2013 Council Approved Joint Venture between the City of Winnipeg and Terracon Development Ltd. - Prairie Industrial Park
- 5. Declaration of Surplus Land - Remnant parcel of land at 963/965 Chancellor Drive
Standing Policy Committee on Protection and Community Services - June 29, 2015
- 1. Winnipeg Police Board - 2014 Annual Report
- 2. Service Agreement between the Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation and the City of Winnipeg for the Winnipeg Police Service April 2015 Distracted Driving Enforcement Campaign
- 3. Illegal Commercial and Residential Dumping - Pilot Project
- 4. Amend Council Approved Capital Budgets for a Funding Contribution from the Spence Neighbourhood Association for Magnus Eliason Recreation Centre Outdoor Lighting Upgrades
Standing Policy Committee on Finance - July 6, 2015
- No Report