Regular Meeting - September 23, 2015
- 1. Councillor Eadie, Mynarski Ward (See Report 6)
- 2. Councillor Eadie, Mynarski Ward (See Report 7)
- 3. Councillor Eadie, Mynarski Ward (See Report 8)
- 4. Councillor Eadie, Mynarski Ward (See Item 3 - SPC on Protection and Community Services - September 14, 2015)
- 5. Councillor Eadie, Mynarski Ward (See Item 5 - SPC on Protection and Community Services - September 14, 2015)
- 1. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 1319 Main Street - ZAA 5/2015
- 2. Subdivision and Rezoning - 20 Allan Blye Drive and Parcel A and Lot 3 surrounded by Amber Trail, Allan Blye Drive and Leila Avenue - DASZ 6/2015
- 3. Subdivision and Rezoning - 33 Warnock Street - DASZ 18/2015
- 4. Rezoning - 265 Provencher Boulevard - DAZ 214/2015
- 5. Downtown Taxi Strategy
- 6. Council Policy - Council Summer Prorogue
- 7. Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies - Review of Consultant Contracts - Employee Code of Conduct
- 8. Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies - Review of Procurement of Contract and Subcontract
- 9. Sale of a portion of City-owned Property located south of St. Boniface Industrial Park to Parmalat Canada Inc.
- Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development, Heritage and Riverbank Management - May 25, 2015
Standing Policy Committee on Protection and Community Services - September 14, 2015
- 1. Winnipeg Police Service Strategic Plan 2015 - 2019
- 2. Service Agreement between the Canadian Police Knowledge Network Inc. and The City of Winnipeg
- 3. Community Incentive Grant - Winnipeg Library Foundation Inc. (St. John's Library)
- 4. Community Incentive Grant - Winnipeg Library Foundation Inc. (Cornish Library)
- 5. Library Redevelopment Strategy - Old Kildonan Ward
- 6. Agreement to Establish the Winnipeg Police Service School Resource Officer Program in the Seven Oaks School Division
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development - September 15, 2015
- 1. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 545 Dale Boulevard - ZAA 1/2015
- 2. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 500 Academy Road - ZAA 4/2015
- 3. Rezoning - 290 River Avenue - DAZ 208/2015
- 4. Subdivision and Rezoning - 400-408 Regent Avenue West - DASZ 9/2015
- 5. Subdivision and Rezoning - 131, 147 and 165 Aberdeen Avenue - DASZ 20/2015
- 6. Secondary Plan Amendment - 2090 Henderson Highway - SPA 1/2015
- 7. Subdivision and Rezoning - 2090 Henderson Highway - DASZ 14/2015
- 8. Secondary Plan Amendment to the North Henderson Highway Secondary Plan By-law No. 1300/1976 - First Reading (1914 Henderson Highway) - SPA 4/2015
- 9. Amendment to the Osborne Village Neighbourhood Plan By-law No. 220/06 - First Reading - SPA 5/15
- 10. Request to Amend Development Agreement Conditions - DASZ 15/2013
- 11. Extension of Time Request - Proposed Subdivision and Rezoning on land at 311 Grassie Boulevard - DASZ 24/2011
- 12. Extension of Time - Subdivision and Rezoning on land located at 2967 and 3003 Waverley Street - DASZ 13/2013
- 13. Approval for the City to enter into an agreement with the Green Burial Council for the City cemeteries to be listed as a recognized provider of `Hybrid Green Burial Grounds'
- 14. Encroachment Agreement between the Y.M.H.A Jewish Community Centre of Winnipeg Inc. and the City of Winnipeg
- 15. Encroachment Agreement between 6779264 Manitoba Ltd. and the City of Winnipeg
- 16. Proposed Acquisition and Sale of Lands adjacent to 421 Glasgow Avenue
Standing Policy Committee on Finance - September 17, 2015
- No Report
Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works - September 21, 2015
- 1. Award of Contract for Mechanical Collection of Solid Wastes from Multi-Family Buildings and Small Commercial Establishments in the North West Area of the City of Winnipeg
- 2. Agreement with the Government of Manitoba Regarding the Manitoba Composting Support Program
- 3. Agreements for Supply of Collection and Handling Service to the Producer Responsibility Organizations Responsible for Household Hazardous Wastes (HHW) and Used Oil and Associated Products
- 4. Amendment to Reduced-Speed School Zones By-law No.76/2014 - Removal of Eastbound and Westbound Zones adjacent to Gray Academy of Jewish Education on Wellington Crescent
- 5. Local Improvements - By-law Amendment for Street Lighting
- 6. Request for First Charge against the 2016 Capital Budget for Granular Lane Improvement Program
- Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development, Heritage and Riverbank Management - September 21, 2015