Regular Meeting - February 17, 2016
- 1. Review of Customer Service Training
- 2. Office of Integrity (Ethics) Commissioner - Proposed Engagement Process
- 3. Memorandum of Understanding - YMCA/YWCA
- 4. Citizen Member Appointments - Committees, Boards and Commissions
- 5. Memorandum of Agreement - Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Senior Officers Association
- 6. Rezoning - 125 Pacific Avenue - DAZ 231/2015
- 7. Text Amendment - Downtown Winnipeg Zoning By-law No. 100/2004 - DAZ 230/2015
- 8. Appointment of City Auditor/Chief Performance Officer
- Standing Policy Committee on Protection, Community Services and Parks - February 8, 2016
Standing Policy Committee on Finance - February 12, 2016
- No Report
- Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works - February 12, 2016
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage and Downtown Development - February 16, 2016
- 1. Rezoning - 971 Main Street - DAZ 223/2015
- 2. Subdivision and Rezoning - 1476 Portage Avenue and 7 Empress Street East - DASZ 28/2015
- 3. Subdivision and Rezoning - 3081 Portage Avenue - DASZ 38/2015
- 4. Zoning Agreement Amendment - Southeast Corner of Leila Avenue and Mandalay Drive - ZAA 8/2015
- 5. Assiniboia Downs Area Master Plan - SP 3/2015
- 6. Opening - West Side of King Edward Street Between Notre Dame and Legion Avenues - DAO 7/2015
- 7. Opening - West Side of Peguis Street, South of CPR Plan 1042 WLTO - DAO 9/2015
- 8. Amendment to Development Agreement Conditions AG 19/2014 - DASZ 19/2014
- 9. Extension of Time - Proposed Subdivision and Rezoning on Land Located at 3977 Portage Avenue - DASZ 43/2011
- 10. Extension of Time - Proposed Rezoning on Land Located at 2501 Ferrier Street - DAZ 202/2010
- 11. Extension of Time - 1916, 1918 and 1920 St. Mary's Road - DASZ 38/2013
- 12. Extension of Time - Proposed Subdivision and Rezoning - Lots 2 and 3, Plan 45753, Peguis Street and Reenders Drive - DASZ 33/2013
- 13. Permanent Easement Requirements Located on Parkland (Sir John Franklin Community Club) Adjoining 1710 Grosvenor Avenue in favour of Y.M.H.A. Jewish Community Centre of Winnipeg Inc.
- 14. Extension of Emes Road West of McPhillips Street
- 15. Subdivision and Rezoning - 4820 Roblin Boulevard and 521 Dieppe Road - DASZ 33/2015
- 16. Acquisition of a portion of 1950 Plessis Road for Street Intersection Improvements
- 17. Sale of the Proposed Closed Public Lanes and strip of City Property Adjoining 761 North Drive