Regular Meeting - November 9, 2016
- 1. Annual Evaluations of City Council's Four Statutory Officers
- 2. Civic Governance and Operational Review and Performance Assessment
- 3. Subdivision and Rezoning - 650 Stafford Street - DASZ 36/2016
- 4. Subdivision and Rezoning - 3977 and 4055 Portage Avenue - DASZ 33/2016
- 5. General Council of Winnipeg Community Centres
- 6. Crime Stopper Decals on City Vehicles
- 7. Sale of City-Owned Lands for Development of Affordable Housing
- 8. Winnipeg Housing Steering Committee Second and Third Quarter Reports for period April 1 to September 30, 2016
- 9. Letter of Agreement - The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation and The City of Winnipeg for Vehicle Standards and Inspections Officers Training
- 10. Renaming Administration Building of the City Hall Campus to 'Susan A. Thompson Building'
- Report 'A' - Standing Policy Committee on Protection, Community Services and Parks - October 14, 2016
- Standing Policy Committee on Protection, Community Services and Parks - November 7, 2016
Standing Policy Committee on Innovation - October 18, 2016
- No report
- Standing Policy Committee on Water and Water, Riverbank Management and the Environment - October 31, 2016
Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works - November 7, 2016
- 1. Expansion of Transit Vehicle Overhaul and Maintenance Facilities Capital Project
- 2. Cost Sharing Option for Residents Living on Gravel Roads
- 3. Investigation of Functional Design Options along Marion Street between Lagimodiere Boulevard and Youville Street
- 4. Google Inc. - Connected Citizens Program for the Implementation of the Transportation Management Centre (TMC), Materials Management Reference No. 815-2016
Standing Policy Committee on Finance - November 3, 2016
- No Report
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage and Downtown Development - November 8, 2016
- 1. Subdivision and Rezoning - 757-759 Jubilee Avenue - DASZ 38/2016
- 2. Secondary Plan Amendment - Corydon-Osborne Area Plan - SPA 1/2016
- 3. Rezoning - Corydon Osborne Planned Development Overlay 1 - DAZ 213/2016
- 4. Closing - Public Lane South of Rue H?bert, East of Avenue Tach? for Incorporation into DASZ 26/2016 - DAC 9/2016
- 5. Subdivision and Rezoning - 836-842 Tach? Avenue - DASZ 26/2016
- 6. Closing - Public Lane between Rues Darveau and H?bert, West of Avenue Tach? for Incorporation into DASZ 34/2016 - DAC 13/2016
- 7. Subdivision and Rezoning - 825 Tach? Avenue - DASZ 34/2016
- 8. Plan of Subdivision - Former School Site: Edmund Gale north of George Reshaur Bay Intersection - DAS 17/2016
- 9. Subdivision and Rezoning - 1500 Plessis Road - DASZ 39/2016
- 10. Subdivision and Rezoning - North East corner of Almey Avenue at Ravelston Avenue West - DASZ 31/2016
- 11. Subdivision and Rezoning - 567-573 Talbot Avenue - DASZ 5/2016
- 12. Plan for Red River Exhibition Lands - SP 1/2016
- 13. Extension of Time - Proposed Subdivision and Rezoning on Land Located on South Side of Taylor Avenue between Wilton Street and 1260 Taylor Avenue - DASZ 4/2013
- 14. Extension of Time - Proposed Subdivision and Rezoning - Lots 2 and 3, Plan 45753, Peguis Street and Reenders Drive - DASZ 33/2013
- 15. Development Agreement Amendment for File DASZ 30/2013
- 16. Planning, Development and Building Fees By-law No. 66/2016 Amendments
- 17. Declaration of Surplus Land - Property located at the Northeast corner of Markham Road and Gull Lake Road
- 18. Award of Due Diligence Agreement for the Exclusive Right to a Due Diligence Period and Preparation of a Proposal for the City-Owned Property located at 266 Graham Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Expression of Interest No. 340-2016