Regular Meeting - April 13, 2017
- 1. Occasional Liquor Permit - Riverview Community Centre
- 2. Occasional Liquor Permit - Pride Winnipeg
- 3. Per Capita Grant - West Broadway Youth Outreach
- 4. Per Capita Grant - Robert A Steen Community Centre
- 5. Per Capita Grant - West Central Women's Resource Centre
- 6. Per Capita Grant - Junior Achievement of Manitoba
- 7. Per Capita Grant - Grosvenor School Association
- 8. Per Capita Grant - Synonym Art Consultation
- 9. Per Capita Grant - West Broadway Community Organization
- 10. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - City of Winnipeg Parks and Open Spaces (South Area) - Fence Construction
- 11. Plan Approval - 167 Montrose Street
- 12. Plan Approval - 1135 Parker Avenue
- 13. Plan Approval - 580-584 Jessie Avenue
- 14. Plan Approval - 1686 Pembina Highway
- 15. Plan Approval - 291 Nassau Street North
- 16. Renaming of River Heights Library
- 17. Review of Snow Clearing and Ice Control Policy
HEARINGS - 6:00 P.M.
- 1. Opening; Closing and Rededication of Blocks Bounded by Chevrier Boulevard, Gregoire Avenue, and Hervo and French Streets; Closing of Part of the Public Road West of Pembina Highway - Bus Rapid Transit Phase 2 - DAOC 1/2016
- 2. Closing - Parts of Blocks bounded by Derek Street, Hurst Way, Asquith and Edderton Avenues - Bus Rapid Transit Phase 2 - DAC 1/2016
- 3. Closing - Part of Winchester Street, Somerville Avenue and the Public Lane East of Fennell Street and Part of Waller Avenue, East of Irene Street - Bus Rapid Transit Phase 2 - DAC 2/2016
- 4. Closing - Part of Pelly Avenue, Daniel Street, and the Public Lane East of Beaumont Street - Cockburn/Calrossie Combined Sewer Area and Drainage Upgrade Project - DAC 6/2016
- 5. Rezoning - 489/491 Corydon Avenue - DAZ 221/2016
- 6. Rezoning - 570 Stradbrook Avenue - DAZ 219/2016
- 7. Variance - 570 Stradbrook Avenue - DAV 176203/2016D
- 8. Subdivision and Rezoning - 254/256 Wellington Crescent - DASZ 47/2016
- 9. Variance - 254/256 Wellington Crescent - DAV 177415/2016D
- 10. Demolition - 252 Good Street - DEMO 113207/2017D