Regular Meeting - May 9, 2017
- 1. Citizen Member Appointments - Assiniboia Library Advisory Committee
- 2. Per Capita Grant - Kidz Korner Infant Child Care
- 3. Per Capita Grant - Peek-A-Boo Infant Child Care Inc.
- 4. Per Capita Grant - Sansome Avenue Block Party
- 5. Community Incentive Grant - St. James-Assiniboia School Division
- 6. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - Henry G. Izatt Middle School - Pollinating Learning Garden Project
- 7. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - City of Winnipeg PPD (Urban Design Division) - Isbister Park Playground Improvements
- 8. Development Agreement Amendment AG 50/13 - Subdivision and Rezoning - Ridgewood South, Opposite Cardiff Avenue and North of CNR Mainline - Ridgewood West Land Corp.
- 9. Plan Approval - 3655 Portage Avenue
- HEARINGS - 5:00 P.M.