Regular Meeting - June 14, 2017
- 1. Labour and Service Continuity Update
- 2. Amendment to Section 3.1 of the In Camera By-law No. 21/2011
- 3. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - Transcona Memorial United Church
- 4. Formation of Winnipeg Food Council - Membership Recommendations
- 5. By-law enforcement under The Provincial Offences Act and the Municipal By-Law Enforcement Act
- 6. Amendment to the Councillors' Ward Allowance (CWA) Fund Policy
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage and Downtown Development - June 6, 2017
- 1. Subdivision and Rezoning - 578 Jessie Avenue - DASZ 6/2017
- 2. Extension of Time - Proposed Rezoning - 839 Panet Road - DAZ 231/2014
- 3. Extension of Time - Proposed Subdivision and Rezoning - Gunn Hewitson - DASZ 18/2014
- 4. Development Agreement Amendment AG 50/13 - Ridgewood South, Opposite Cardiff Avenue and North of CNR Mainline - Ridgewood West Land Corp. - DASZ 50/2013
- 5. Development Agreement Amendment - File DASZ 15/2013 (AG 15/13)
- 6. Development Agreement Amendment - File DASZ 18/2014 (AG 18/14)
- 7. Assignment of Development Agreement AG 44/79 - Whyte Ridge Industrial Development Agreement AG 44/79 - DAS 30/88 - Fultz Boulevard
- 8. Cell Towers near Residential Development
- 9. Undertaking a Comprehensive Housing Needs Assessment for Winnipeg
- 10. List of Historical Resources - Nomination of W.J. Guest Fish Company Warehouse/Great West Metal Company Building, 90 Alexander Avenue
- 11. Lease Agreement to Allow for the Use of City-Owned Property at 3448 Pembina Highway for the purpose of a Day Care Centre
- 12. Exchange of City-owned Land South of 811 Panet Road with Adjacent Land at 811 Panet Road for the Panet Road/Molson Street Reconstruction and Twinning Project
- 13. Downtown Development Projects - CentreVenture Development Corporation
- 14. Report to Re-establish the Fee for Appeals under the Vacant Buildings By-law 79/2010
- 15. Assignment of Development Agreement AG 14/81 - Subdivision and Rezoning of Land North of Beliveau Road and East of Eric Street
- 16. Land Exchange of City-owned Land at the Rear of 650 Beecher Avenue - Parcel B, Plan 29263 with Land Required for Street Widening at 650 Beecher Avenue
- 17. Declaration and Sale of Surplus Land Adjacent to 761 North Drive
- Standing Policy Committee on Finance - June 8, 2017
- Standing Policy Committee on Protection, Community Services and Parks - June 12, 2017
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage and Downtown Development - June 6, 2017