Regular Meeting - July 11, 2017
- 1. Update on Anti-Whistling at the CNR Redditt Line at Ravenhurst Street and Perimeter Highway
- 2. Traffic Study - Pandora Avenue East and Day Street and Pandora Avenue East and Wayoata Street
- 3. Traffic Signal - Intersection of Peguis Street and Concordia Avenue East
- 4. Citizen Member Appointments - East Kildonan-Transcona Library Advisory Committee
- 5. Occasional Liquor Permit - Valley Gardens Community Centre
- 6. Per Capita Grant - Kildonan Horizons Social Committee
- 7. Per Capita Grant - Christine Heyward
- 8. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - Transcona Trails Association Inc.
- 9. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - River East Neighbourhood Network Inc.
- 10. Addition to the Street Name Reserve List - Dr. Amarjit Singh Arneja
- 11. Park Naming - 'Bidhu Jha'
- 12. Plan Approval - 127 Regent Avenue West
- 13. Plan Approval - 212 Regent Avenue West
- 14. Extension of Time - Proposed Subdivision and Rezoning - 1101-1121 Wabasha Street
- 15. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - Louise Page Park
- 16. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - McMeans Tot Lot Passive Park Conversion
- 17. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - McGowan Russell Group Inc.
- 18. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - Transcona Garden Club
- 19. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - McGowan Russell Group Inc. - Apee Panchhi Park
- 20. Per Capita Grant - River East Neighbourhood Network