Regular Meeting - November 7, 2017
- 1. Appointment to Governance Committee of Council
- 2. 2018 Schedule of Meetings - East Kildonan-Transcona Community
- 3. Citizen Member Appointments - Transcona Historical Museum Board
- 4. Springfield Road Safety Issues
- 5. Update on Anti-Whistling at the CNR Redditt Line at Ravenhurst Street and Perimeter Highway
- 6. Failure to Implement Kilcona Park Improvements
- 7. Resurfacing of Dugald Road from Plessis Road to the Perimeter Highway
- 8. Resurfacing of Plessis Road from Devonshire Drive to Gunn Road
- 9. Resurfacing of Plessis Road from Gunn Road to Grassie Boulevard
- 10. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - East of the Red Recreation Plex (ERRP): Recreation Aquatic Facility Feasibility Study & Business Plan
- 11. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - Rotary Club of Winnipeg Transcona - Rotary Centenary Pathway Improvements
- 12. Park Naming - Bidhu Jha
- 13. Plan Approval - 15 Prymak Place
- 14. Plan Approval - 50 Kildonan Green Drive
- 15. Plan Review - Parcel 'A', Cal Gardner Drive
- 16. Urban Design Review - 101 Victoria Avenue West
- 17. Extension of Time - Proposed Rezoning on land located at 500 Widlake Street - File No. DAZ 208/2014
- 18. Occasional Liquor Permit - Polish Gymnastic Association Sokol Winnipeg
- 19. Per Capita Grant - Keenleyside Tenant Community Centre
- 20. Per Capita Grant - Granite House Social Committee
- 21. Pandora Avenue Road Renewal
- 22. 2017 Local and Regional Roadwork to be Carried Over to 2018
- 23. Crosswalk Request - Devonshire Drive West at Dawnville Drive
- 24. Addition to the Street Name Reserve List - Gottfried Point
- 25. Left Turn Signal - Intersection of Plessis Road at Kildare Avenue West and Transcona Boulevard
- 26. Per Capita Grant - Afro-Caribbean Association of Manitoba Inc.
- 27. Median Cut - Ravenhurst Street north of Pandora Avenue East
- 28. Removal of Names from Street Name Reserve List
- 29. Addition to the Street Name Reserve List - 'Neil Myska'
- 30. Addition to the Street Name Reserve List - 'Joe Masi'
- 31. Addition to the Street Name Reserve List - 'Tom Nesby'
- 32. Compliance with Approved Site Plans
- 33. Per Capita Grant - Gateway Recreation Centre
- 34. Per Capita Grant - North Kildonan Community Centre
- 35. Per Capita Grant - Elmwood-East Kildonan Active Living Centre
- 36. Per Capita Grant - Elmwood-East Kildonan Active Living Centre
HEARINGS - 6:30 P.M.
- 1. Subdivision and Rezoning - Southeast Ravenhurst/Pandora/CNR Rail Line/Perimeter Highway Boundaries - DASZ 10/2017
- 2. Conditional Use - Southeast Ravenhurst Street/Pandora/CNR Rail Line/Perimeter Highway Boundaries - DCU 144031/2017D
- 3. Subdivision and Rezoning - 1320 Molson Street - DASZ 15/2017
- 4. Variance - 1320 Molson Street - DAV 136239/2017D
- 5. Closing - 1462 Ravelston Avenue West; Block 7, Plan 60480; Lot 23, Block 1, Plan 60480 - DAC 12/2016
- 6. Subdivision and Rezoning - 1462 Ravelston Avenue West; Block 7 Plan 60480; Lot 23 Block 1 Plan 60480 - DASZ 16/2017
- 7. Variance - 1462 Ravelston Avenue West; Block 7 Plan 60480; Lot 23 Block 1 Plan 60480 - DAV 149871/2017D
- 8. Subdivision and Rezoning - 755 Golspie Street - DASZ 1/2017
- 9. Conditional Use - 755 Golspie Street - DCU 146089/2017D
- 10. Variance - 755 Golspie Street - DAV 181067/2016D
- 11. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 776 Bonner Avenue - ZAA 5/2017
- 12. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 19 and 23 John Huyda Drive - ZAA 6/2017