Regular Meeting - June 19, 2018
- 1. Occasional Liquor Permit - Polish Gymnastics Association Sokol Winnipeg
- 2. Springfield Road Safety Issues
- 3. Traffic Study - Intersection of Regent Avenue West and Chrislind Street
- 4. Left Turn Signal - Intersection of Plessis Road at Kildare Avenue West and Transcona Boulevard
- 5. Installation of Traffic Control Signals at Concordia Avenue East and Peguis Street / Reg Wyatt Way
- 6. Median and Curb Repairs - Regent Avenue between Grey Street and Brewster Street
- 7. Crosswalk Study on Edmund Gale at George Reshaur at Sir Winston Churchill Park
- 8. Toilet Replacement Credit Program
- 9. Community Incentive Grant - Ecole Centrale Parent Advisory Council
- 10. Park Naming - 'Chmielowski'
- 11. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - Murray Rougeau Park Acquisition
- 12. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - The Royal Winnipeg Rifles Foundation - Renovation of Rifles Memorial Park - Vimy Ridge Memorial Park
- 13. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - Transcona Trails Inc. - Trail Connector Project
- 14. Extension of Time - Proposed Subdivision and Rezoning - 1101-1121 Wabasha Street
- 15. Extension of Time - Proposed Subdivision and Rezoning - Lots 2 and 3, Plan 45753, Peguis Street and Reenders Drive
- 16. Urban Design Review - 107 Pandora Avenue West
- 17. Plan Approval - 1 Transcona Boulevard
- 18. Plan Approval - El Tassi Drive
- 19. Plan Approval - 1500 Plessis Road, Building F2
- 20. Per Capita Grant - Beyond Borders ECPAT Canada
- 21. Per Capita Grant - DASCH
- 22. Per Capita Grant - Glenelm Neighbourhood Association
- 23. Non-Conforming Approach Application - 232 Washington Avenue
- 24. Community Incentive Grant - South Transcona Community Centre
- 25. Plan Approval - 839 Panet Road
- 26. Traffic Island - Westbound Lane of Reenders Drive at Stapon Drive
- 27. Plan Approval - Northeast of Transcona Boulevard and Veterans' Way
- 28. Per Capita Grant - The Peaceful Village
- 29. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - Kildonan Meadows Park Renovations
- 30. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - Transcona Baseball Diamond Renovations
- 31. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - Transcona Business Improvement Zone - Downtown Transcona 2018
- 32. East of the Red Rec Plex Feasibility Study
- 33. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - Bidhu Jha Park Upgrade
- 34. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - Victoria Jason Park Skateboard Park Parking Lot Upgrade
- 35. Park Naming - Bernie's Corner Park
- 36. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - Transcona Historical Museum Inc. - Transcona Museum Business Case and Feasibility Project
- HEARINGS - 6:30 P.M.