Regular Meeting - July 9, 2019
- 1. Traffic Study - Traffic Roundabout at the Intersection of Springfield Road and Raleigh Street
- 2. Addition to the East Kildonan-Transcona Community Committee Street Name Reserve List - 'Leonard Julius Klause'
- 3. Per Capita Grant - General Council of Winnipeg Community Centres
- 4. Community Incentive Grant - St. Michael's Villa Senior's Association
- 5. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - Transcona Kinsmen K-40 Club - Installation of Interpretive Signs at Kinsmen Legacy Park
- 6. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - Valley Gardens Community Centre - Conceptual Drawings for New Two-Sheet Ice Rink
- 7. Plan Approval, East Side of Peguis Street, 155 to 225
- 8. Plan Approval - 1574A Regent Avenue West
- 9. Urban Design Review - 107 Pandora Avenue West
- HEARINGS - 5:45 P.M.