Regular Meeting - October 15, 2019
- 1. Appointment to Governance Committee of Council
- 2. Raised Pedestrian Crossing and Median Cut - Regent Avenue West from Day Street to Bond Street
- 3. Truck Route Designations - Transcona Ward
- 4. Community Incentive Grant - The Manitoba Museum
- 5. Land Dedication Reserve - Winnipeg Condo No. 462 Lake Park Estates - Southland Community Re-Naturalization
- 6. Land Dedication Reserve - City of Winnipeg Parks and Open Space Division - Accessible Swing Seats
- 7. Land Dedication Reserve - City of Winnipeg Parks and Open Space Division - Helene Marsh Park Bench
- 8. Addition to the East Kildonan-Transcona Community Committee Street Name Reserve List - Sid Hepworth
- 9. Plan Approval - 101 Regent Avenue
- 10. Per Capita Grant - Kiwanis Home Senior's Social Committee
- 11. Per Capita Grant - Legion Gardens Social Club
- 12. Winnipeg Parking Authority Enforcement Officers
- 13. Time-limited Parking within the Transcona Business Improvement Zone
- 14. Plan Approval - 665 Talbot Avenue
- 15. Plan Approval - 1572 Regent Avenue West
- 16. Plan Approval - 2695 Main Street