Regular Meeting - February 3, 2020
- 1. Resignation of Citizen Member from East Kildonan-Transcona Library Advisory Committee
- 2. Raised Pedestrian Crossing and Median Cut - Regent Avenue West from Day Street to Bond Street
- 3. Truck Route Designations - Transcona Ward
- 4. Community Incentive Grant - Good Neighbours Active Living Centre Inc.
- 5. Community Incentive Grant - Southland Park Residents Association
- 6. Per Capita Grant - Oxford Heights Community Club
- 7. Per Capita Grant - Sikh Heritage Manitoba
- 8. Honourary Street Name - Designating Rosseau Avenue between Hoka Street and Madeline Street as 'Robert Bullen Way'
- 9. Plan Approval - Northwest Corner of Benn Avenue and Main Street
- 10. Plan Approval - 30 El Tassi Drive
- 11. Waiver of Application Fees - 1320 Concordia Avenue East
- 12. Audible Pedestrian Signal - Off Peak Hours
- 13. Plessis Road - Heavy Truck Traffic Access
- 14. Plessis Road - Southbound Barrier
- 15. Per Capita Grant - Cornerstone Tenants Association
- 16. Traffic Signals Performance - Henderson Hwy