Special Meeting - March 18, 2020
- REPORTS - MARCH 6, 2020
- 1. Councillor Klein, Charleswood-Tuxedo-Westwood Ward (See Delegation No. 1)
- 2. Robert Wilkin, Oxbow of Tuxedo Point Condominium Corporation No. 958 (See Delegation No. 3)
- 3. Hani Al-Ubeady, Director, Immigration Partnership Winnipeg, and Kate Kehler, Executive Director, Social Planning Council of Winnipeg (See Delegation No. 10)
- 4. Michele Kading, Executive Director, Save Our Seine (See Delegation No. 11)
- 5. Jakob Sanderson, President, University of Manitoba Students' Union (See Delegation No. 14)
- 6. William Dowie (Delegation No. 19)
- 7. Michel Durand-Wood (See Delegation 21)
- 8. Phil Chiappetta, Executive Director, Rossbrook House (See Delegation No. 34)
- 9. Dara Hallock (See Delegation No. 41)
- 10. Mel Marginet, Green Action Centre (See Delegation No. 47)
- 11. Sylvie H?bert (See Delegation No. 48)
- 12. Jessica da Silva, Amanda Doerksen, and Daniel Kennedy, Youth Agencies Alliance (See Delegation 50)
- 13. Mark Cohoe, Executive Director, Bike Winnipeg (See Delegation No. 51)
- 14. Councillor Lukes, Waverley West Ward
- 15. Gatewood Green Condo Corporation - Petition
- 16. Clark Brownlee
- 17. Lauree Kopetsky
- 18. Chris Lorenc, President, Manitoba Heavy Construction Association
- 19. Pam Lucenkiw and Ron Mazur, Co-Chairs, OURS-Winnipeg
- 20. Meghan Loewen Cook, Director, Wayfinders Manitoba Inc.
- 21. Tyler Blashko, Chair, Seven Oaks Neighbourhood Resource Network
- 22. Jana McKee, Program Manager, Seven Oaks Immigrant Services
- 23. Shawn Kettner
- 24. Angela Cassie, vice-pr?sidente, Soci?t? de la Francophonie Manitobaine
- 25. Marika Prokosh
- 26. Mike Bagamery
- 27. Sandra Klowak
- 28. Alexandra Koslock, Director, University of Winnipeg Students' Association
- 29. Jackie Avent, Director of Sustainability, FortWhyte Alive
- 30. Anna Weier, UM Cycle Manager, University of Manitoba Students' Union
- 31. Noelle Sagher, Vice President of Student Affairs, University of Winnipeg Students' Union
- 32. Allen Mankewich, Public Policy and Communications Coordinator, SEED Winnipeg
- 33. Mary Horodyski
- 34. Riley McMurray
- 35. Anna Sigrithur
- 36. Cali Sproule
- 37. Jamie McLennan, Certified Translator, Board Member, Association of Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters of Manitoba
- 38. Amanda Le Rougetel
- 39. Tyler Plett
- 40. Dr. Joe Curnow
- 41. Dorothy Wigmore
- 42. Jacob Nikkel
- 43. Andrew Kohan
- 44. Anny Chen
- 45. Carolyn Kavanagh
- 46. Darrell Rankin
- 47. Fanny Drouet
- 48. Ian Donnelly
- 1. Winnipeg Police Board - Preliminary 2020-2023 Multi-Year Operating and Capital Budget Recommendations
- 2. Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works - Preliminary 2020-2023 Multi-Year Operating and Capital Budget Recommendations
- 3. Standing Policy Committee on Innovation - Preliminary 2020-2023 Multi-Year Operating and Capital Budget Recommendations
- 4. Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage and Downtown Development - Preliminary 2020-2023 Multi-Year Operating and Capital Budget Recommendations
- 5. Standing Policy Committee on Protection, Community Services and Parks - Preliminary 2020-2023 Multi-Year Operating and Capital Budget Recommendations
- 6. Standing Policy Committee on Water and Waste, Riverbank Management and the Environment - Preliminary 2020-2023 Multi-Year Operating and Capital Budget Recommendations
- 7. Executive Policy Committee - Preliminary 2020-2023 Multi-Year Operating and Capital Budget - Final Recommendation