Regular Meeting - December 10, 2002
- 1. Appointment of Chairperson to the Assiniboia Community Committee
- 2. Request for approval of a Liquor Permit - Countrified City Slickers Dance Club
- 3. Applications for Citizens Appointments to the Library Advisory Committees
- 4. Proposed 2003 Schedule of Meetings - Assiniboia Community Committee
- 5. Per Capita Grant - Charleswood Social Club
- 6. Plan approval for landscaping - 220 Park Place West
- 7. Plan approval of Landscape Revisions - Odd Fellows residence, 4025 Roblin Boulevard
- 8. Request to have land dedication fees payable under File DASZ 17/2001 earmarked for the Whyteridge Community Centre
- 9. Community Incentive Grant - Bourkevale Community Centre Inc.
- 10. Application for a non-conforming approach - 168 Vanderbilt Drive
- 11. Application for a Non-conforming Approach - 175 Sigma Avenue