Regular Meeting - June 23, 2020
- 1. Community Incentive Grant - Seven Oaks School Division (Arthur E. Wright Community School)
- 2. Community Incentive Grant - The Edge Gallery, An Urban Art Center
- 3. Community Incentive Grant - Leftovers Foundation
- 4. Plan Approval - 620 Leila Avenue - DAZ 336/1979
- 5. Addition to the Lord Selkirk-West Kildonan Community Committee Street Name Reserve List - Indra and Ramneek
HEARINGS - 10:30 A.M.
- 1. Subdivision and Rezoning - 33 & 65 Commercial Avenue - DASZ 30/2019
- 2. Rezoning - 2895 King Edward Street - DAZ 202/2020
- 3. Variance - 2895 King Edward Street - DAV 108334/2020D
- 4. Closing - Proposed closing of public lane north of 341 Scotia Street between Scotia Street and the Red River - DAC 3/2020