Regular Meeting - September 3, 2020
- 1. School Zone Speed Limits
- 2. Community Incentive Grant - Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Church
- 3. Per Capita Grant - Miles Macdonell Collegiate Safe Grad
- 4. Per Capita Grant - River East Transcona School Division
- 5. Per Capita Grant - Share the Magic Book Program
- 6. Design Review - 123 Regent Avenue West
- 7. Plan Approval - 65 Stadacona Street
- 8. Ambulance Services
- 9. Dust Control - Adjacent Laneways to Active Transportation
- 10. Garbage and Recycling Receptacles - Active Transportation
- 11. Plan Approval - 300 Oakland Avenue
- 12. Designated Construction Zones - Neon Coloured Rumble Strip
- 13. Status Update - Elm Trees