Regular Meeting - September 18, 2020
- 1. WFPS Smoke Alarm for Every Family Program - Opportunities for Growth
- 2. WFPS Remotely Piloted Aerial System
- 3. Verbal Report - Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service Strategic Direction
- 4. Ambulance Services
5. An Overview of the Current State of Residents Living in Encampments
- Attachment 1: K?kininaw ?ma Strategy to Support Unsheltered Winnipeggers
- Attachment 2: A National Protocol for Homeless Encampments in Canada
- Attachment 3: Winnipeg Street Census 2018
- Attachment 4: A Canadian Definition of Homelessness
- Attachment 5: A Definition of Indigenous Homelessness in Canada
- Attachment 6: Request for Proposal 1113-2018
- Attachment 7: Winnipeg Outreach Network: Service Provider Listing
- Attachment 8: Warming Shelters and Outreach Services
- Attachment 9: Community Resources Available During Extreme Heat
- Attachment 10: City of Winnipeg: Comprehensive Housing Needs Assessment
- Attachment 11: Canadian Observatory on Homelessness: About Homelessness Health
- Attachment 12: Winnipeg Street Health Survey: 2018
- Attachment 13: Supervised Consumption Sites Across Canada
- Attachment 14: Extreme Cold Weather Response
- Attachment 15: Extreme Heat Response
- Attachment 16: Pathways to a Better Future- Manitoba's Poverty Reduction Strategy
- 6. Community Incentive Grant - Manitoba Islamic Association Inc.
- 7. Winnipeg Police Board By-law Review
- 8. Establishment of a Tree Planting Donation Program