Regular Meeting - October 2, 2020
- 1. Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service 2020 Strategic Direction
- 2. School Zone Speed Limits
- 3. Status Update - Elm Trees
- 4. Per Capita Grant - Miles Macdonell Collegiate Safe Grad
- 5. Per Capita Grant - River East Transcona School Division
- 6. Per Capita Grant - Good Neighbours Active Living Centre - Support to Seniors
- 7. Per Capita Grant - Winnipeg Police Association
- 8. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - Winnipeg's Finest Cricket Club - Millennium Park Cricket Pitch/Ground
- 9. Extension of Time - Proposed Subdivision and Rezoning - 341/345 Springfield Road - File No. DASZ 37/2016
- 10. Plan Approval - 925 Headmaster Row
- 11. Park Renaming - 'Shady Shores Park' to 'Waterside Rotary Park'
- 12. Dial-A-Ride-Transit (DART) Service Transcona
- 13. Route 47 Transit Service Transcona
- 14. Multi-Use Path - Regent Avenue West to Panet Road
- 15. Plan Approval - 1475 Molson Street
- 16. Plan Approval - 1357 Regent Avenue West
- 17. Park Renaming - 'Edison Park' to 'Matheson Millstones Park'
- 18. Plan Approval - 609 Leola Street