Regular Meeting - November 22, 2021
- 1. Citizen Member Appointments - East Kildonan-Transcona Library Advisory Committee
- 2. Citizen Member Appointments - Transcona Historical Museum Board
- 3. Citizen Member Appointments - Concordia Hospital Board of Directors
- 4. Extension of Time - Subdivision and Rezoning - 1454 Ravelston Avenue West - File No. DASZ 39/2019
- 5. Extension of Time - Subdivision and Rezoning - 446 Grassie Boulevard - File No. DASZ 10/2018
- 6. 750 Bonner Avenue Subdivision and Rezoning - Proposed Amendment - File DASZ 20/2021
- 7. Per Capita Grant - Kiwanis Home Seniors Social Committee
- 8. Expanding Definition of Speed Limit Signage
- 9. Design Review - 401 Bond Street
- 10. Per Capita Grant - Valley Gardens Community Centre
- 11. Per Capita Grant - Chalmers Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation
- 12. Per Capita Grant - Elmwood Community Resource Centre
- 1. Subdivision and Rezoning - 307 and 311 Grassie Boulevard - DASZ 31/2021
- 2. Variance - 307 and 311 Grassie Boulevard - DAV 179290/2021D
- 3. Closing - Part of Ravelston Avenue West, adjoining 1555 Lagimodi?re Boulevard - DAC 5/2021
- 4. Subdivision and Rezoning - 1396 Plessis Road - DASZ 37/2021
- 5. Variance - 1396 Plessis Road - DAV 195338/2021D
- 6. Subdivision and Rezoning - 741, 747, 749, 751, 753, 757 and 765 Bonner Avenue (Pt. Lot 2 of Plan 40346, Lot 1 of Plan 48622) - DASZ 34/2021
- 7. Variance - 741, 747, 749, 751, 753, 757 and 765 Bonner Avenue (Pt. Lot 2 of Plan 40346, Lot 1 of Plan 48622) - DAV 185437/2021D
- 8. Subdivision and Rezoning - 2792 - 2796 Main Street - DASZ 24/2021
- 9. Variance - 2792 - 2796 Main Street - DAV 161016/2021D