Regular Meeting - April 11, 2022
- 1. Hoarding and Collecting Behaviours Taskforce
- 2. Online Park and Athletic Field Reservation System
- 3. Appointment of Weed Inspectors under the Noxious Weeds Act
- 4. Weed Control - Boulevards and Parks
- 5. Standards for Tree Re-planting Along Public Right-of-Ways
6. Winnipeg Parks Strategy
- Appendix A - Winnipeg Recreation and Parks Strategies - Public Engagement Report
- Appendix B - Winnipeg Parks Strategy
- Appendix C - Capital Detail Sheets
- Appendix D - Actions Matrix
- Submission - Winnipeg Public Service 1
- Submission - Winnipeg Public Service 2
- Submission - Steve Snyder
- Submission - Michel Durand-Wood
- Submission - Shirley Forsyth?
7. Winnipeg Recreation Strategy
- Appendix A - Winnipeg Recreation Strategy - Public Engagement Report
- Appendix B - Winnipeg Recreation Strategy
- Appendix C - Winnipeg Recreation Strategy - Capital Investment Plan and Detail Sheets
- Appendix D - Winnipeg Recreation Strategy - Actions Matrix
- Presentation - Winnipeg Public Service
- Submission - Steve Snyder
- Submission - Michel Durand-Wood
- 8. Map of Community Centre Outdoor Rinks and Pleasure Rinks in 2020 and 2021
- 9. Regulations for Net Area of Public Park Space in New Developments
- 10. Community Centre Engagement on Financial Sustainability and Revenue Sources
11. Further Proposed Responsible Pet Ownership By-law Amendments
- Appendix A - Phase 2 Public Engagement Summary
- Appendix B - Proposed Amendments Regarding At-Risk Pets and Dangerous Dogs
- Appendix C - Proposed Fines
- Appendix D - Responsible Pet Ownership By-law Existing Approved Fines
- Appendix E - Current Dangerous Dog Restrictions
- Appendix F - Bully-Type Breeds
- Submission - Ewa Demianowicz
- Submission - Jan Hajek
- Submission - Sophie Gaillard
- Submission - Doug Krause
- Submission - Charlene Currie
- Submission - Laura Potts
- Submission - Kaitlyn Mitchell
- Submission - Karen Eggertson
- Submission - Michele Hamers
- Submission - Christine Carriere
- Submission - Brittany Semeniuk
- Submission - Colin Ward
- 12. Designated Growers (DG) of Medical Cannabis Licensing Program
- 13. Funding for the River East Collegiate Track Project
- 14. Community Incentive Grant - Toba Centre for Children and Youth
- 15. Review of Department Policies to Allow for the Reduction or Waiver of Fees and Charges