Regular Meeting - May 23, 2023
- 1. Semi Annual Summary of Delegated Authority to Award Per Capita, Land Dedication, and Community Incentive Grants
- 2. Citizen Member Appointments - Transcona Historical Museum Board
- 3. Traffic Signalization at Main Street and Fernbank Avenue - Monthly Updates
- 4. Extension of Time - Subdivision and Rezoning - 70 Lexington Park & Unnumbered Lexington Park - File No. DASZ 14/2020
- 5. Extension of Time - Proposed Subdivision and Rezoning - Lots 2 and 3, Plan 45753, Peguis Street and Reenders Drive - File No. DASZ 33/2013
- 6. Extension of Time - Subdivision and Rezoning - 385 Grassie Boulevard - File No. DASZ 33/2020
- 7. Per Capita Grant - Share the Magic Book Program
- 8. Per Capita Grant - Devon Dunning
- 9. Per Capita Grant - Valley Gardens Community Centre
- 10. East of the Red RecPlex - Feasibility Study Update
- 11. Plan Approval - 285/287 Hazel Dell Avenue
- HEARINGS - 10:30 A.M.