Regular Meeting - June 5, 2023
- 1. Semi-Annual Report on Single Use Plastics Ban in City of Winnipeg Facilities and Properties
- 2. Semi-Annual Report on Biosolids Treatment Capacity for the City of Winnipeg
- 3. Award of Contract for Construction of Trunk and LDS Separation - Cockburn and Calrossie Sewer Relief (Contract 9A) - Tender No. 104-2023
- 4. Approval of Contract Over-Expenditure No. 1 for 2018 Sewer Renewals by Cipp Lining - Contract 2 - Tender No. 481-2019
- 5. Approval for Transfer of Funds from the Non-Specified Account - Water Capital Account to the Water Treatment Plant Asset Refurbishment and Replacement Program Capital Account and Award of Contract for the Drinking Water Treatment Plant Roof Replacement Tender No. 37-2023
- 6. Proposed Agreement for Services - Land Drainage Works - 215 Sinawik Bay
- 7. Incentives for the Development of Energy Efficient Buildings
- 8. Garbage Management Plan for Existing Multi-Family Dwellings
- 9. Waterway Permit Applications - July 1 to December 31, 2022, and Asset Management Update