Regular Meeting - September 6, 2023
- 1. Occasional Liquor Permit - Ayodele Odeyemi
- 2. Occasional Liquor Permit - Luxe Furniture / Barbeque Company
- 3. Traffic Signalization at Main Street and Fernbank Avenue - Monthly Updates
- 4. Land Dedication Reserve - Chalmers Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation - Chalmers Community Corner
- 5. Land Dedication Reserve - Locomotive 2747
- 6. Petition Results of the Proposed Asphaltic Concrete Lane Pavement Local Improvement - To Be Advertised
- 7. Plan Approval - 1529 Gateway Road
- 8. Parking Restriction - Bond Street between Melrose Avenue W and Pandora Avenue W
- HEARINGS - 10:30 A.M.