Regular Meeting - May 12, 2003
- 1. Councillor Thomas, Elmwood - East Kildonan Ward (See Report 8)
- 1. Emergency Medical Service Fees
- 2. 2003-2004 Parking Patrol Contract
- 3. Agreement with the City of Winnipeg and Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) regarding the dedication of Winnipeg Police Service (WPS) resources and duties of the City of Winnipeg involving stolen vehicles
- 4. Agreement between the City of Winnipeg and Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) regarding fingerprint identification services related to stolen vehicles recovered by MPI
- 5. 2003 Cultural Grants - Individual Artists Grant Recommendations from the Winnipeg Arts Council
- 6. Community Incentive Grant - Th??tre dans le cimeti?re (Theatre in the Cemetery) - CDEM
- 7. Community Incentive Grant - House of Opportunities
- 8. Community Incentive Grant - Munroe Junior High School
- 9. Community Incentive Grant - Gable Arms Social Club
- 10. Community Incentive Grant - Millennium Gardens River East
- 11. Community Incentive Grant - Winnipeg Chinese Cultural and Community Centre
- 12. Renaming of the Centennial Library
- 13. Naming of football field adjacent to the Oak Park Raiders High School to "Gill Bramwell Field"
- 14. Maintenance Requirements for Assiniboine Park
- 15. Assiniboine Park Enterprise - Creation of Chief Operating Officer position